NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Guesses on whats going down this morning?

My thoughts exactly 🤣
Nah, local Al Qaeda chapter having a rally :) My grandparents killed hogs every year. I can still remember them butchering then, processing, and storing them in the smokehouse. They never owned a vehicle and never had air conditioning until they were in their 80’s. My grandmother birthed 12 kids at home! I can’t even imagine.
Good bud had a saying about pig killin' day, "We used everything except the squeal."
I went to a hog farm to get a roaster. Farmer strung the hog up by its rear hocks alive. One quick jab with a butcher knife in the carotid artery and that pig had an abundance of squeal. I can stomach a lot and that was burned into my memory. He has to have it done before we pick it up from that day on.
Ummm ... I expected something else from this thread.

Reminds me of Christmas twelve years ago. My wife was recently killed in a car accident, our anniversary was two days before Christmas, and we had lost our fourteen year-old son the previous Christmas. That first holiday season without them would be scary. My councilor advised taking my daughter on a trip. "Go someplace you and your wife would never visit." So I took Jessie to Vegas. We stayed at the Luxor. The second day there we got on the elevator with a young woman who was obviously a very expensive hooker. She was operating the buttons. Elevator decended to the next floor and a younger guy in a business suit gets on. She confirms, "Going down?" He turns to me and says with a smirk, "That would be nice." She caught on and also smirked. Went right over my eighteen year-old daughter's head.
I went to a hog farm to get a roaster. Farmer strung the hog up by its rear hocks alive. One quick jab with a butcher knife in the carotid artery and that pig had an abundance of squeal. I can stomach a lot and that was burned into my memory. He has to have it done before we pick it up from that day on.
I have no issues with humane butchering. What that guy did was wrong. We had field butchers come up once. I watched this ass hat shoot one of the pigs in the snout then chase it around the pen trying to slit it's throat. We butchered our own after that.
I have no issues with humane butchering. What that guy did was wrong. We had field butchers come up once. I watched this ass hat shoot one of the pigs in the snout then chase it around the pen trying to slit it's throat. We butchered our own after that.

I didn’t care for it but I won’t denounce it. It is their set up and what worked for them. The whole ordeal from pen to the last kick was under a couple min. They had the process down to a science. That farm has raised commercial hogs for 30+ years. They had 5 barns and each was over 200’ long. I would dare say they raised more hogs than any of will ever see. They also USDA commercially butchered for the community. If it was that cruel or dumb I highly doubt they would of been as successful and kept their USDA inspectors happy.
My dad was a butcher and that's the dumbest/cruelest thing I have ever heard.

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