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Great Week in Iowa!


Active member
Jul 31, 2015
I always save 4-6 days of vacation for hunting the rut in Iowa. I took my first day last Wednesday. I sat the entire day. I ended up switching stands 3 different times because of the wind. The only break I took was for 45 minute to eat lunch. While I was at my second stand I got pictures of two buck at a stand we have a cell cam on. I was only 100 yards away but the wind wasn't right at that point. After lunch it had switched to NE. It is a decent wind but a little iffy depending on where the deer want to come from.

It started out at 42 when I went in by the end of the night it was 32 with 15 MPH winds and snow. I didn't see my first deer for the day until 4:00. It was a little spike buck skirting the edge of my shooting lanes. He ended up down wind, alerted and took off back in the direction he came from. Around 4:45 I caught some movement to my right, downwind again. This time it was a nice young 8 pointer. He didn't seem to mind that he was down wind. It was still blowing pretty hard and I think he was close enough it was going over him, he was in my shooting lane but not what I was looking for.

Right at 5:15 with 15 minutes of shooting light left I see his antlers bust through the cedars. He started working a licking branch and the scrape. After pissing twice in the scrape he went left to right at 30 yards. I pulled back and shot as he was walking. I ended up hitting him a little back. It looked like it was right at rib/guts. I thought it was a good shot at first but the advantage of videoing your deer is you can go back and look at it. I decided to let him go for the night.

The boys had a half day on Thursday so I just decided to take them out of school and have them help find the deer. It had snowed that night so I knew I wouldn't have much blood. We went in the direction he left and it looked like he jumped a fence into a pasture. Nope, that wasn't if. So then we went back and started walking through the timber. He didn't make it very far. He went about 50 yards. I sliced his liver in half. He died within 15 yards of where I best buck of my life died three years ago.

We got him packed out and headed home. It was 13F that night he was good and cooled down. We left him in the garage, got something to eat, rested up and headed back out around 1:30.

We were back in the timber on our stands around 2:00. My 12 year old was sitting by himself and I was with my 14 year old. The 12 year old didn't want to go to the stand that I wanted to sit in. This was the first time I sat with my 14 year old in two years. It just happened to be in the same stand that he shot a 8 point out with his bow. I killed a 9 out of that stand 4 days before him.

It was really nice out but pretty cool. We had a flock of turkeys come in around 3:00 but they stayed far enough away out of bow range. At 4:00 I looked up and saw him coming. I notified my son with a big buck get ready. It has been so long since I had sat with him that I forgot I was to never inform him of a deer coming in by saying big buck. He wasn't messing around and coming fast. My son is a lefty so he had to stand to get ready for the shot. I ran the camera with my left hand and the range finder with my right. He was skirting us at 23-25 yards. Then he turns and walks right to us, he gets to 21 and starts going left to right.

He hits an opening and my son stops him with a grunt. Unfortunately he didn't stop right away and took 2 more steps putting a tree between the deer and my son. I think he left out an explicit but we cant hear it on video so he is off the hook. He continued to stay at full draw for what seemed like minutes and the deer started back on his path. He stops him again and rushes his shot. The deer also ducked a good 10-12". The arrow would have hit but a little high hopefully going into the lungs. He just stood there.

I am whispering "Load another arrow". He gets the arrow loaded but he didn't want to draw, the deer was looking in our direction but I don't think he had us made in the tree. He starts on his path again, I am calling out yardages and he stops behind a tree for the camera and my son shoots again, this time he scores a hit. Ughh it looked low and back.

The buck walked off and really slow and wobbly. We watched him wonder the woods for 25 minutes, was the shot better than we thought? At one point he looked like he was going to tip over. He got far enough away that I had watch him with the binos. I forgot my gloves so I had to keep putting the binos down to warm my hands up. He finally was no where to be found. We snuck out and back traced out 500 yards.

Mom wasn't to happy with me taking him out of school two days in a row but what else are you going to do. I had to run a few errands so I picked him up at 9:45. There was a good amount of snow still and I wanted to get out before it melted. I set him up where he could watch an open field in one direction and a fire lane in the other. I figured if he was still alive and bumped we would at least know what direction he went. I went back to the location of the shot and started tracking. 10 yards after the hit he was bleeding as well as any deer I have tracked. I made it about 40 yards where he had stopped and there was a big puddle of blood. I lost the track a bit so I took 10 steps forward and there I saw him dead another 30 yards away. He laid down where I had last seen him and died. His one side is huge compared to the other.

Two days two great Iowa bucks. 3 Years ago he shot his first buck a really great 12 point. A few days later I killed my biggest buck to date that I referenced above. This time he bested me a day later. Pretty big accomplishment for a 14 year old specially with a bow.

My 12 year old is working his tail off to get a big buck. He has been so close so many times. Saturday morning we saw 4 bucks they just didn't come in. Tonight he had one in range it just wouldn't give him a shot, it is the second time in that spot with the same deer.

I am exhausted and ready to go back to work to get some rest. I posted about our season 3 years ago and I think Randy mentioned something about never being that lucky again. Well I guess he was wrong. We still have a lot of season left and I am confident my 12 year and my daughter will still kill some nice deer!



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