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GOP House Moves to Encourage Drilling in National Parks and it is only Day 12


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
You really can't make this stuff up. Last night, the GOP House started the process to make it easier to drill for oil in our National Parks.

Gosar has yet to issue a Press Release explaining why.....

Congressman Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) last night introduced H.J. Res. 46, which seeks to repeal updates to the National Park Service’s “9B” rules. The rules require detailed planning and set safety standards for oil and gas drilling inside the more than 40 national parks that have “split estate” ownership, where the federal government owns the surface but not the subsurface mineral rights.

The resolution is just the latest in a series of moves by federal lawmakers to weaken environmental protections for national parks under the Congressional Review Act (CRA). If these repeals are signed into law under the CRA, it will not only stop these protections, it will also prohibit agencies from issuing similar rules and protections in the future, unless directed by Congress.

See, it really isn't ALL the National Parks, just 40 of them..... And, we really aren't going to sell them... just think of it as drilling them...

Anybody think selling Public Lands is too far for a group that wants to make it easier to drill in National Parks??

Make America Great Again.......
Blah blah blah
Aternative facts. Fake news. Accurate, unbiased news.
Everyday just another "Breaking News"
This stuff will become so commonplace that even the pissed off folks will fatigue of it and check out. I have friends already doing just that.
Welcome to the making of America great again.
Sure was easy when we really only had to be concerned about a stupid house bill in a state legislative session.
I've worked on an oil well drilled on Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge in north Texas and I can tell you right now any oilfield operations on federal or state land are done so under a microscope. Nothing touches the ground without some state or federal agent neck deep up your ass. If this keeps states from having to sell public land and brings money and jobs in.... I say drill.
Curious how much split estate is within these 40 parks and where they are located. If it is a small amount and not along the edges, I doubt there is much interest. It would be interesting to see where these non-federal mineral parcels are located on a map.
Curious how much split estate is within these 40 parks and where they are located. If it is a small amount and not along the edges, I doubt there is much interest. It would be interesting to see where these non-federal mineral parcels are located on a map.

Agreed. I'd like to see what's at stake. I remember a long time ago there was some uproar over some geothermal activity around Yellowstone.
I can't see the economics in such a scheme. With all the advancements in the Oilfield today what was an old field is now being redrilled just as if it was a new discovery. John
Some group that raises millions upon millions of dollars ( Sierra Club, some other NGO, how about Tom Steyer) should purchase the minerals. Or the government should use eminent domain to buy them. I know that both aren't going to happen,but it would solve the issue.
Some group that raises millions upon millions of dollars ( Sierra Club, some other NGO, how about Tom Steyer) should purchase the minerals. Or the government should use eminent domain to buy them. I know that both aren't going to happen,but it would solve the issue.

NGO, no way. Maybe on one or two cases but they don't have enough combined to pay for it. There money would be more economically spent attacking from other angles.

The government, yes. I'd pay taxes for that. As Dick Cheney and thousands of other smart people have taught us, some projects are best paid for by tax payers.

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