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Goose load


New member
Dec 18, 2012
:hump:hey guys going snowgoose hunting this spring:hump:. I have never done it. I will be using a benelli semi auto. We will be hunting over decoys and they could get low but also could be some far shots. I need some advice on what choke or chokes to use and what size shot will be best.:confused:
Whatever steel shells you have on hand. I think 1's or B's are perfect for big ducks/small geese. Modified choke.
I hunt geese a lot and I have put away the 1's and BB's in favor of 1 1/8 oz,, #2 FastSteel, 1550 fps. I shoot #2's for both ducks and geese and have if you are shooting decoying birds they end up just as dead with #2's as they do with 1's or BB"s or BBB's or T's.

I almost always use a modified choke as well.

Your mileage may vary.

I used FastSteel for the first time in the Delta Marsh this last September. These shells works great and it you saves you a few bucks over the big named ammunition. It out shot my Black Cloud ammo!
Ha! That is funny cuz Black Cloud outdid FastSteel for me! We have been shooting Black Cloud for a few years now and I have really come to appreciate it. Dont go cheap on ammo would be my recommendation. Maybe try some of both and report back on what you like. Hopefully, you will have a large sample size to decide on what is the best ammo.
Ha! That is funny cuz Black Cloud outdid FastSteel for me! We have been shooting Black Cloud for a few years now and I have really come to appreciate it. Dont go cheap on ammo would be my recommendation. Maybe try some of both and report back on what you like. Hopefully, you will have a large sample size to decide on what is the best ammo.

100% agree, I went through lots of loads and choke combos until I found the one that works for my and my needs.

3'' Federal #1 or BB's 1550fps with a extend range patternmaster. I kill a lot of geese a lot farther than I should with that combo. Don't be afraid to shoot and bring lots of shell, you'll need them.

Good luck
Another fan of the patternmaster here, although I have an original and it has opened a bit over the years. I shot the nubs out a long time ago. Maybe that makes a difference. I like a tight choke and shoot an improved modified Carlson right now. Snow geese can be at distance regardless of decoys. I would concentrate that shot and bear down. I still like the old 11/4 ounce load at 1450 fps 1s or BBs. They will drop the hammer, but shooting some of the faster 11/8 this year with good results.

All you're doing is getting info on what works good for other people in their guns. If you want to find what patterns best in your gun, get a couple chokes and several brands of ammo in 1's through BB's and shoot it to see what patterns best. I had a Patternmaster that blew patterns on fast loads. Ended up getting rid of it. Tried several other chokes. I get the most consistent patterns in my SBE with a Briley extended improved modified. I shoot reloads and had to go through a number of loads to find the one that patterned the best. If patterning is too much work, throw an improved modified in, go buy whatever shells are the cheapest and fire away...
Good luck finding goose loads - Sportsmans was cleaned out of BB, 1's and 2's.
I need to buy a reloader.

I was going to mention knowing your gun and your shot pattern, AND knowing how to lead a bird are as critical.

>have a couple after market chokes, but the modified was in the gun after dove season. Never swapped it out. 1st goose hunt I smoked several high flying(not sky busting) geese with the old mod choke, BB shot and 3 bird lead! and stuck with it.

You want to buy an old choke?
I hunt geese a lot and I have put away the 1's and BB's in favor of 1 1/8 oz,, #2 FastSteel, 1550 fps. I shoot #2's for both ducks and geese and have if you are shooting decoying birds they end up just as dead with #2's as they do with 1's or BB"s or BBB's or T's.

I almost always use a modified choke as well.

Your mileage may vary.

Agree with this. I've been using the Kents for the past 3-4 years. No issues.
Modified choke and 3" #2's kill them very well over decoys. That's all I use for snows and ducks. Canadiens are a different story. BB & BBB are overkill for snows and blues in my opinion
If you can see their eyes, shoot for the tip of the bill. I swing the barrel with the flying goose then through the goose to the bill and sometimes beyond as shoot.. Some prefer to lead out a bit and shoot while barrel is steady. If you can see the feet then the goose is around 70 yards. Many first time goose hunters do not lead enough thinking is a slow, big target. A goose can be moving at 40 - 50 mph average and cover 500 miles in one day of flying. Good luck on your hunt.
In simple terms. Swing through the butt, bird, beak, BANG!. Dead goose every time as long as they are in range.

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