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But since this thread is about the unlimited districts/hunts I think you have to also mention the fact that even though so and so may have not drawn a sheep tag in there lifetime, they have had a opportunity to go sheep hunting. But have made the choice to put there ticket in the hat and wait for there number to be called. I decided I'm not going to wait for something that may or may not happen in a lifetime, IM gonna go hunting.

Great point; spoken like an American!
It seems like that is a common theme. The opinion of the once in a lifetime tag. I think the better way would be increase the supply side not try and decrease the demand for the tags. MT wild sheep has been working on this with the recent transplants and there goal of "Putting and keeping sheep on the mountains".

But since this thread is about the unlimited districts/hunts I think you have to also mention the fact that even though so and so may have not drawn a sheep tag in there lifetime, they have had a opportunity to go sheep hunting. But have made the choice to put there ticket in the hat and wait for there number to be called. I decided I'm not going to wait for something that may or may not happen in a lifetime, IM gonna go hunting.
I leave the unlimited tag out of my order when I buy/apply for the rest of my licenses online.Then I go buy one at Walmart. If I ever kill one of those rams I'm framing the Walmart receipt right next to the mount.

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