Good recipe for excess cukes from garden


New member
Nov 22, 2009
camp point , Illinois
My wife and I planted about 6 too many cuke plants this year, dumbfounded by what to do with all the extras i just through some in some fish batter during a recent fish fry and tossed them in the oil. Now around here we fry just about everything we usually do zucchini and squash but these cucumbers came out as one of the best fried foods ive ever had, i put them in just long enough to soften them dipped in a little ranch dressing there excellent, give it a try and let me know what cha think
thanks, nick
I've done them before and they do go down pretty good. Big problem with the cukes this year; everyone in the area who grows cukes have been hit with some form of blight which has put them out of commission. No pickles this year and none for the table. It started just as they were beginning to bear with brown spots on the leaves which turned to brown leaves, then no leaves. Really honked off my wife, as she loves them, but we can't even find them in the Farmer's Market.
blight is tough and if people plant them in the same spots next year the same thing will happen, here in illilnois we have an excess its to bad they wouldnt ship good or i'd send ya some