Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

gone fishing

Lie Guy

New member
Apr 9, 2002
Hey everybody, sounds like I missed out on alot. I was back in town and could have fished the classic but didn't turn on the computer to here about it.

I did fish lake Meade two days last week. We were at the overton arm and did have some small problems launching. More problems finding fish. First morning found what I thought was good spot and had boils all over the place. Was going nuts casting to all the boils. After about 3 hours I caught 2 very small Stripers. finally realized that there was no deep water, only fifteen feet.

We went to the Marina and begged information and tried two different spots, no luck. Finally went back to the marina for lunch and talkedto a young gal there who said that she and her gandpa got a bunch just the day before and told ue where to go. No fish. Finally tried another spot and right after my partner got one on anchovies we saw a huge boil and I statred throwing a ciacada and got 7 in about 20 minuets.

The next day we went right back to that spot and got nothing. we went back to where the gal had sent us and she was there with grandpa and catching fish. We had been about 300 yards from the spot. They allowed us to anchor about 30 yards away and we got a few bites while they slayed them. After they got tired and left we got on their spot and got fifteen or so in the last hour. No real size to any fish, biggest was about 3 lbs. i ttok some photos and when developed I will send them to someone to post.

I was sorry to miss the classic and look forward to seeing everyone on a Monday morning soon. ;)
Welcome back LG. I was wondering what had happened to you. You know it won't be long before the spoon bite starts up.

At least for some of us. :D

WTG LieGuy! It is nice to know at least there are still some fish in my home lake (even if I never seem to be able to find them). :D :D Was it your first time at Mead?
Thanks guys,

Westy when the spoon bite starts I'm gonna be on you like white on rice, I'm going to make them work if it kills me.

Law Vegas, my brother-in-law and I fished Temple bar last year during Thanksgiving week. We killed them. Must have got two or three hundred (threw most back) but the biggest was maybe five or six lbs. We did get one that I think would have topped ten but he was sick and super skinny.

Del, I have been terrible at Pleasant the last several times out there. I have got two that went three and a half but not more than two a day. We will have to meet out there one day. I will send you some pix to post sometime soon.
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