Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Gold Strategy


New member
Jan 22, 2003
I find it ironic that more people are asking about gold investing now that gold is around $1000.... than when gold was at $500.....So if your thinking about buying.

Reasons to buy;

The central bank has lowered % rates 6 times since sept. 2007

They fed also "bailed out" Bear Sterns

Foreign Countries are holding "trillions" in U.S. currency

Housing/economy is in decline

Reasons not to buy;

You can't afford to "lose money"

You would be jumping in while Gold is at a "record high"

there might be other investments that will return bigger profits [ wheat went up 3x in the last few months]

But if you do buy gold at this time... I use a High/Low set point When I bought at $420. I set a sell pt....if it dropped to $350. [I sell.. losing money]

Then I set a high at $750. I sell [ cash in] it zoomed past $750. so I stayed in longer [ cashed some at $850.]

You can change your high pt..[ stay in for bigger gains]
You can even move up your low sell pt. [ break even/small loss]

You have to make the call, use common sense that fits your portfolio.

My opinion is that Gold will rise even further based on ...The feds are running out of options to keep the dollar up!

I hope this helps some of you that are thinking of Gold....I am not a "gold expert" or an Economics guy... it was just easy to see 18 months ago that this was coming....My wife says I'm just plain lucky:)