goat scouting

I think you should just pose for pictures with your inflatable "Love Ewe" and leave the last live goat in the Bitterroot alone.
Tough condition Rocky and getting tougher by the minute. I know one guy that had that tag last year and did not see a goat, wasn't sure how much effort he put out, so I still applied for that HD. But after what you have done that seals the deal,,,time to move on. Hopefully the last 3 days will do it for you.
Rocky, be very careful up there. Take a good climbing rope. If anybody deserves a goat it would be you. Good luck, it's the bottom of the ninth, and you have two out, and a full count.
You're a lot tougher than I to still being going after them up there.
I wouldn't even try to get into where I killed my deer after this last storm.
Good luck up there and be careful. I'd take a sat phone or Spot unit for sure.
I've spent enough cold days spooning with Barri on remote, windblown ridges, to know... yes... he is tough.. But like you say... Be dam careful up there. Cliffs and snow and ice are a bad combo bud...

Good Luck!!! I sure hope you can find one!
Was going to wish you luck RockyDog, but it looks like you already found it. Congrats, im looking forward to the story and pics too.
That's awesome!!!
Way to stick it out to the end, glad it payed off for you.
You da man, Rocky. Great to hear this. Look forward to the story. Looks like a great billy.
Grats on a great billy! What a beaut - great looking! You really put in the effort, that is certain!

Very nice - happy T-Giving - looking forward to the details!
Great job Rocky, thats getting your moneys worth. You sure put out the effort.

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