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Getting ready for the Fall


New member
Aug 2, 2009
Seems the older that I get, the less time I have to prepare for deer season. You would think that now that I am in my mid fifty's, that everything should just fall into place. too bad that it does not work that way! Too much to do at work. Too many obligations with the parents and my kids. Just too little time for hunting!

Well next weekend is all mine! I am going to camp and finishing building a new fire pit, finishing my fall food plot, moving my deer stands for bow season!

Anyone else out there finding it harder and harder to get it all done?

Amen and welcome to HT. We had a few work weekends back in the spring and got most of the major chores completed.. Set up the fifth wheel, built a 20x20 pavillion w/fire pit, dozed the campsite, and cleared a few new senderos.

..won't be long til bow season.
I would have to say finding time to get everything does is growing increasingly difficult but when it comes down to it I would much rather sit in my field office pictured below than the office I am supposed to be in Monday through Friday! Open the checkbook send the wife and kids school shopping, bribe the neighbor boy to mow the law, and get the parents a gift card to the local eating establishment, fill the truck with gas, and head to your field does the soul a great deal of good!


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Amen to that Brother!!! I am going to my camp this weekend, bringing my wife, the kids and my parents with me. Life is good!
farmboy55..welcome to the site...hope to see you around here again.
It gets harder...but the rewards are more appreciated as we age too. I find the time outdoors is food for my soul...without it I feel 'malnourished' and become less efficient at everything else I have to do. With all the responsibilities we have in day-to-day life, one of the hardest things to remember is it's OK to take care of our selves too...not feel guilty about taking time for ourselves. Many people view what we do as a 'luxury or sport' like golf, but they dont understand that to a hunter/outdoorsman it's a lot more, its deep in us...the change in seasons, a calling and a worthy challenge.
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Partner and I have been prospecting for the last year in our deer hunt area and that means a lot of hiking and climbing to keep us from stroking out during scouting. I just split 4 cords of wood for my daughter's place so that helps a little as well. I will be 60 next month so I understand all the stuff that get's harder every year. Hot here still so next month we will spend more time climbing and glassing. My buddy wants the key to my gun safe just in case I die in the field. Good luck on your hunts.
to all that have answered my posts, thank you. it is nice to finally find a place where kindred souls can gather and talk!!!!! To all of you, good luck this fall, and I can tell by your replys, that means just being here and able to pursue the life that we all cherish so much!!!!!

Well, we finally got to camp last weeknd and had a great time! My son Stephen, my step son Adam, my wife Laura and I spent most of Saturday cleaning camp, fixing watr bars, and building a new fire pit.

Then it was time to get ready for dinner guests. I made Chicken Cordon Bleu, potato salad, fresh sweet corn and assorted fresh veggies. Yah I love to cook!!!!!

I fed 14 all together and then we spent the rest of the evening sitting around the fire pit and reminicing about hunts and friends from days gone by. It just does not get any better than that!!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately, it has rained som much in the past month that working on the food plots is still almost impossible. Mud, Mud, and more Mud.

Well that's all for now from Vermont, hope that you are all havinf as much fun as I am getting ready for fall!

I can't seem to stay focused on work at all. At this point I think I am just worthless and should take the next 3 months off. Even my wife is noticing that I am not paying any attention to anything unless it has horns. Life is good.
WLE...I hear ya there...I get the same way every fall...and it gets worse when as it starts cooling down...thinkin I need about 3 mo's off too!

farmboy55...we've had a lot of rain at our camp too...sounds similar to our deer camp in north Missouri...about the same to go down there whether huntin season or love to camp there too. And we love to cook and eat there...everything tastes great. And the firepit...heck there's been more adventure shared and world problems solved around the firepit than all of congress has ever accomplished! some pictures of your camp. Camp is one of my favorite parts of the scouting and hunting season...during scouting season Buschy (Hunttalk Name) and I hunt different areas but get together sit around the camp fire and exchange our digital cameras to share our pictures. It is a great time! will know it is time to take an extended vacation when your wife starts walking around holding the sheds you found this winter on her head!:)
Out here we do not have fixed camps or plots. Camp sleeps in the shed waiting for attention. it is near time to dig it all out, pack the camp utillity trailer for the 4 months of mixed hunts. Deer, Elk/Bear, Snow geese, Chukar, Predators, Ducks, Chukars, Ducks, Chukars, Predators/Cougar. the calender is pretty full. Wall tent camping with the wood stove is the hunting life. it should be set up over 30 days this season in 4 or more locations.
baltz526...I hear ya...used to use a wall tent on my farm and many great times (one year it rained a couple of days...then turned to an icestorm...froze on the was a real problem cuz we didnt have woodstoves in the tents) have converted an old shed for electricity, use propane lanterns...heated with wood's the greatest...fallin asleep to the pops n cracks of the stove and you can't beat the heat. have a big firepit outside to sit around and enjoy...always burn a fire...nice thing is we go down and cut a boatload of hardwood all year that we store in another shed so never have a lack of wood.
I been out 4 times working on new trails here in Md and Va. It's in the 90's and spending 3-4 hours is about all I can take. At 56 I still like the grunt work but finding the time is hard. I run my own shop and work is something I need to keep after. When school starts I will be driving 2.5 hrs one way to my youngest son's school in Va to watch him play soccer 2 times a week and then back down there to pick him up to hunt on Saturdays.
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