PEAX Equipment

Gerber Knife story


New member
Dec 14, 2010
SE Missouri
BuzzH posted his positive experience with Swarovski a few days ago and it's inspired me to share my Gerber knife story.

In October of 2009 I was hunting what I affectionately call the Beaver Sloughs. I was wading through knee high water near a woodline when I heard, bloop, bloop, splash, plop. I had hung the zipper on my pack on a limb, opened a pocket, and everything it it fell in the water. I felt around in the water and mud for several minutes but never could find my knife. I took a mental note of where it was and decided I would come back when the water receeded. Well, the water didn't disappear till late spring at which point I thought the knife wouldn't be worth finding.

Fast forward to October 2010 after we have had a drought. I was hunting the area and thought, I wonder if I can find that knife. I walked to the spot I marked, looked down, and there it layed, half-buried in the dirt. Much to my surprise, there was not a speck of surface rust or anything other than mud. Props to Gerber for a durable knife design.

The knife is a folding Gerber gator with a gut hook. Not expensive, but certainly built tough.
The folding gator was my very first 'good' knife. It became a casualty of loaning it to my then 'young' son. He now has the same one you described. Maybe I can borrow it.
I have a Gerber folding Gator, sans the gut hook and have always liked it very much.
A number of years ago I snapped off the blade of my Buck knife trying to break thru pelvic bone of a deer. Got ahold of Buck and while they stated that wasn't covered, they did send me another knife. Thought that was pretty nice even though it was my screwup

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