Geese on ice

Sask hunter

Well-known member
Sep 20, 2016
Couple first for me today killing birds in November as they are usually gone and shooting geese over ice. Found a small roost of couple hundred birds and decided to let them feed the en wait for them as they came back. The geese have been very jumpy not hitting same field twice. Setup around ten and around 11 started today trickle back. Had a few big flocks show up but mostly singles and pairs did it. Some just drifted over and some went to land with the decoys on the ice.

Now before I hear anything about busting the roost the birds are leaving any day now. It’s -15 C at night so figured I better get these birds before they migrate out.

Probably the last shoot of they year and got 8 great big honkers. Time to do some plucking now