Caribou Gear

gadget failures ??


Dec 11, 2000
weve talked about gadgets and things now lets hear which gadgets have cost you game ????

here mine that i learned from two of my hunting buddies : they both purchased a $.50 rubber deal that goes under the arrow and is secured to the string with a nock!! this little gadget was designed to reduce the pinch on the arrow cusioning the release from the arrow shaft these gadgets were installed on there bows to close to the arrow so instead of reducing pinch and cusioning , it would push the arrow right off the string.My two friends both were at full draw on nice animals just to have the arrow pop-off and tink tink tink all the way to the ground!!! standing there at full draw with a nice buck staring at you with no arrow!! i have to laugh every time i hear about it why ???? because i use eliminator buttons that just slide instead of being anchored to the string! and i told them so!! heheheheh

now i know these little trinkets have cost most of us some game in one way or another so lets hear your stories!!! of was it worth it!


I drew on a doe (story would be better with a big buck, but this is the true one) only to find out that my newly installed peep site wouldn't let me see the animal. One of the separated strings had come loose from around the peep and was blocking the view!! I now know to tie the things in with serving. Still the best thing that I have ever put on my bow besides and arrow