Funny Autocorrect/Autotype Stories

Talk to text doesn’t understand my southern accent. I have to proofread and retype everything. It’s really not worth using.
My brother has a brother in law that is constantly setting their Mother inlaw's phone to autocorrect something stupid on purpose. Latest was every time she would text the word "Yes" it would auotcorrect to, "You bet your sweet ass". The time before he set it so that when she typed "IMO" it would auto correct to the entire Gettysburg address.

Less of an autocorrect and more of a dad sent a group message to me and my sister one time that went something like this...."mom just got back from the doctor, and he said she needs to cut back on the sweets, she wasn't happy about it but make sure if you give her anything it's sugar free."

Apparently he forwarded a text my uncle sent him about my 90 year old grandmother. I about died laughing when I thought my dad was pretty bold telling my sister and I not to give mom sweets.
I had shared this one previously. This wasn’t autocorrect but was the result
of talk to text while driving, so not really able to double check things closely before sending. Setting: this is to a new client I had just met and done a repair job for.

What it was supposed to say:

“That hole looks huge in that picture, but it is actually only 3/16 of an inch. I zoomed in so you could see the concrete dust and fibers. I filled that with white caulk.”

What my phone thought I said:

“That hole looks huge in that picture, butt is actually only 3/16 of an inch. I zoomed in so you could see the concrete dust and fibers. I feel bad with white @#)(#.”
No one will top that one!👍
I meant to write something about a wire cage which corrected to wife cage. I’ve also had Siri change out a very important vowel from the first word of “Block Management” much to my chagrin.
While on a Dove hunting trip in Arizona, I got an email from HR saying that my name had come out of the hat and I was up for a random drug test of the month at work.

My reply: "I'm on PTO (paid time off), and out of state this week, can I please take care of this when I get home?"
HR Reply: "Hahahaha, Morley. See you when you get home." Only this time she cc'd the VP of HR and the CEO on the email. I scrolled down to see what was so funny and why she'd have cc'd all the bosses.

My actual reply: "I'm on POT, and out of state this week, can I please take care of this when I get home?"
Kind of related. My boys did something to my phone so every time I type the eff word it autocorrects to Fat Furry Feline. Needless to say I don't use the eff word much anymore.
My wife did the same thing to my phone once. Was really hard to give a butt chewing via text when every time you type now it turns into meow.
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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