
Yeah, the GOP controls all three branches, but they don't have a super majority so it is only trivia.

As I said earlier, putting themselves in a position so that they appeared to be cutting off pay for the military and denying health care to children so they can keep illegal aliens here was an incredibly stupid thing to do. It doesn't matter if that is true or not as the spin-scumbags are going to make it the perception. If it was a GOP trap then well done, but it seems to be just incompetence on the D side. I'm surprised the GOP didn't bring grandma out in a wheelchair and say she wasn't going to get her social security checks. I guess they didn't want to rub it in.

I disagree ROb. They blew reconciliation for the tax scam rather than pass a budget. That's a failure of governance at the highest level, and it was done for campaign donations. This congress has had a year to pass a budget. They've punted because they don't want to do the work we sent them to do. They are playing the reality TV game set up by trump and it's hurting every American.

They need to stop playing politics and get stuff done. We've had an obstructionist majority for over 7 years now. They don't pass budgets. They don't pass easy legislation. They just act like fools with our money. It's time for a change. It's time to vote in your primary's for moderates on both sides rather than letting the party choose for you.
Ben - The GOP isn't going to give up their fiscal agenda to stop the Dems from kicking themselves in the nuts in an election year. The Dems just need to move on and hope Trump kicks himself in the nuts enough that voters forget about this political disaster.
I disagree ROb. They blew reconciliation for the tax scam rather than pass a budget. That's a failure of governance at the highest level, and it was done for campaign donations. This congress has had a year to pass a budget. They've punted because they don't want to do the work we sent them to do. They are playing the reality TV game set up by trump and it's hurting every American.

They need to stop playing politics and get stuff done. We've had an obstructionist majority for over 7 years now. They don't pass budgets. They don't pass easy legislation. They just act like fools with our money. It's time for a change. It's time to vote in your primary's for moderates on both sides rather than letting the party choose for you.
No rose colored glasses, just an ability to recognize character or severe lack thereof. That goes for Outdoor TV hosts as well, I bet you and I can both differentiate between Randy Newberg, Ryan Hatfield, Nate Simmons and Ted Nugent for instance.
Call your Representatives and Senators.

Not the point of my first message BTW...in case you're wondering.

My apologies ,Buzz... Comes from not reading every post within.
MTMiller, even a bad day fishing usually beats a good day at work. Though sitting on ice does have its drawback. Heck your lab carrying a pike on ice has held many great posts. :)
No rose colored glasses, just an ability to recognize character or severe lack thereof. That goes for Outdoor TV hosts as well, I bet you and I can both differentiate between Randy Newberg, Ryan Hatfield, Nate Simmons and Ted Nugenth

Sorry this was in response to Southern Elks last post.
Politics is akin to two guys in a cat house.
One says he is paying for sex.
The other says he is paying for her to leave when finished.
With the latter claiming some high moral ground....
No rose colored glasses, just an ability to recognize character or severe lack thereof. That goes for Outdoor TV hosts as well, I bet you and I can both differentiate between Randy Newberg, Ryan Hatfield, Nate Simmons and Ted Nugent for instance.

We may not agree on politics, but we can agree on that.
Can we all agree that "this" (the chit show we call politics) got worse after Citizens United. Let's all work to ensure corporations are not people. Political spending is capped, then let the best person win.
Politics is akin to two guys in a cat house.
One says he is paying for sex.
The other says he is paying for her to leave when finished.
With the latter claiming some high moral ground....

I don't know who you are stranger, but I love you. This is signature worthy.
Can we all agree that "this" (the chit show we call politics) got worse after Citizens United. Let's all work to ensure corporations are not people. Political spending is capped, then let the best person win.

I'm sure they're in no hurry to strangle themselves.

Charles Koch donated $500K to Ryan days after GOP tax plan passed
© Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce
GOP mega-donor Charles Koch and his wife donated about $500,000 to Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) joint fundraising committee, just days after the GOP tax plan was passed.

Charles Koch made the donation 13 days after the plan was passed, which lowers the corporate tax rate and cuts estate taxes, the International Business Times reported.

He and his wife also gave $237,000 each to the National Republican Congressional Committee on the same day, according to the report.
Charles Koch and his brother David Koch were both major advocates for the tax plan, pouring millions of dollars into efforts to get the legislation passed.

The pair is also planning on spending millions more on a public relations campaign for the plan, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Politico reported last year that Ryan isn't planning on running for another term, but Ryan has denied the report.

--This report was updated on Jan. 22 at 6:45 a.m.
Politics is akin to two guys in a cat house.
One says he is paying for sex.
The other says he is paying for her to leave when finished.
With the latter claiming some high moral ground....

Heh, extremely well said!
Hey now, I didn't get back pay for the 2013 shutdown. I had to burn 2 weeks vacation lost forever. I could have used it on a real vacation. Not sitting at home wondering when I can report back to work.
No rose colored glasses, just an ability to recognize character or severe lack thereof. That goes for Outdoor TV hosts as well, I bet you and I can both differentiate between Randy Newberg, Ryan Hatfield, Nate Simmons and Ted Nugent for instance.

I’d have used the term blinders myself, but hey. Personally I’ve onky got knowledge of two of your TV guys. I’ve seen the show with Cushman, outside of that I haven’t watch a “hunting show” so I guess I’m the wrong guy to be the judge of character....

I'm sure they're in no hurry to strangle themselves.

Charles Koch donated $500K to Ryan days after GOP tax plan passed
© Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce
GOP mega-donor Charles Koch and his wife donated about $500,000 to Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) joint fundraising committee, just days after the GOP tax plan was passed.

Charles Koch made the donation 13 days after the plan was passed, which lowers the corporate tax rate and cuts estate taxes, the International Business Times reported.

He and his wife also gave $237,000 each to the National Republican Congressional Committee on the same day, according to the report.
Charles Koch and his brother David Koch were both major advocates for the tax plan, pouring millions of dollars into efforts to get the legislation passed.

The pair is also planning on spending millions more on a public relations campaign for the plan, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Politico reported last year that Ryan isn't planning on running for another term, but Ryan has denied the report.

--This report was updated on Jan. 22 at 6:45 a.m.

NYT article on Apple slamming the GOP tax plan.

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