
Happens no matter who is in office, eh?


Biggest difference this time in that one party controls congress & the presidency. That's not happened before, that I know of.

Failure to lead runs rampant in D.C.

Biggest difference this time in that one party controls congress & the presidency. That's not happened before, that I know of.

Failure to lead runs rampant in D.C.

I thought dems held the presidency and both houses of congress when Obama was first elected? That's how they rammed through obamacare. Or maybe you're saying the government has never shut down while one party controls everything. That may be true.

Biggest difference this time in that one party controls congress & the presidency. That's not happened before, that I know of.

Failure to lead runs rampant in D.C.

Indeed. My "ignorance" point was, 'Mericans elected all these clowns, and their actions now are all predicated on getting reelected. SFC, if everyone here prefaced their replies to your posts w "dipsh!t" or somesuch, that would be bad form. I post my opinions expecting some will disagree, with a little respect. I disagree w you strongly today, but not w your right to hold and express your opinions.
In my opinion both parties are two sides of the same coin. Kind of like two lawyers making a scene before the judge only to golf together on Sunday. They both like to hype up issues their base consider important and say it's the others fault they are the only ones to fix it. The most important thing to all of them is that they all keep their jobs. Citizens be damned. Truly a shame.
I thought dems held the presidency and both houses of congress when Obama was first elected? That's how they rammed through obamacare. Or maybe you're saying the government has never shut down while one party controls everything. That may be true.

Beat me to it.

I'm assuming, I know..., that is what you referred to Ben with regards to a "shut down".

Also agreed with the D.C. disease. Neither party is exempt, as much as some would like to argue.
Beat me to it.

I'm assuming, I know..., that is what you referred to Ben with regards to a "shut down".

Also agreed with the D.C. disease. Neither party is exempt, as much as some would like to argue.

Sure seems like I remember the same crap happening during the last administration. They are all worthless.

Disagree, they are not all worhless, that’s a dumb comment IMO. Character matters, it matters a lot and it’s easy to spot if you just listen and watch, trust you’re own eyes and ears. Obama was one of the most dignified people to ever hold the office of President regardless what you thought of his policies, I tended to agree with most of them. When people resort to their same old tired line of “they're all the same, worthless sons of bitches” I wonder what you’re seeing and hearing that I’m not.
As I type I am sitting in my office WAITING on my furlough letter. I generally despise politicians of all ilk but this is a new level of burning hatred. The fact that myself (along with my military brothers and sisters and all federal employees) will have our income stopped because some "Americans" have decided to draw a line in the sand over ILLEGAL ALIENS simply blows my mind. I am scared and ashamed at what our country is becoming. The very idea that we would EVER put the interest of those in our country illegally and as the direct result of a CRIME above our own citizens and legal residents is disgusting. I think what scares me the most is that there is a large portion of our population who think it is OK.

Powerful statement. It is the fight between parties more than the principle of the issues, I'm. UK, AU... Etc hold adverse illegal positions towards Jus Soli... To stop pay to our service members over political posturing is absurd!
Disagree, they are not all worhless, that’s a dumb comment IMO. Character matters, it matters a lot and it’s easy to spot if you just listen and watch, trust you’re own eyes and ears. Obama was one of the most dignified people to ever hold the office of President regardless what you thought of his policies, I tended to agree with most of them. When people resort to their same old tired line of “they're all the same, worthless sons of bitches” I wonder what you’re seeing and hearing that I’m not.

You should take off the rose colored glasses. He is no saint. Neither is Trump. The problem is they are only out for their constituents or worse their donors. Someone is always getting screwed.
Beat me to it.

I'm assuming, I know..., that is what you referred to Ben with regards to a "shut down".

Also agreed with the D.C. disease. Neither party is exempt, as much as some would like to argue.

Yep. Was referring to a shut down when one party controls the legislative, executive and judicial branch.

As far as 'they're all the same," I tend to agree in so much as we've given up actual governance and wanting to do the right thing so that we can just be partisans first, and Americans second. That has to stop. I do believe there are good people in both parties who are working towards that kind of statesmanship, but it gets blown apart by the extremists in each wing in favor for the political machinations we all should be tired of.

There were legitimate reasons to vote for and against this CR. There were legitimate reasons to vote for it. What should have never happened is a game of chicken with service-members pay. Just like we shouldn't be playing game s with Dreamers or CHIP.
What shut down? Doesn't matter when the military considers you "mission essential" like me

Wish I got a free day off like most DoD civilians on Peterson AFB did :rolleyes:
What shut down? Doesn't matter when the military considers you "mission essential" like me

Wish I got a free day off like most DoD civilians on Peterson AFB did :rolleyes:

Not sure anyone got a free day off that works for the gov., if shutdown protocol was followed.
I spent three hours at the office following protocol and then got the ice auger running. Looks like I will be back to work tomorrow instead of ice fishing and I am happy about it. Guess I am off early to the gym.
As far as 'they're all the same," I tend to agree in so much as we've given up actual governance and wanting to do the right thing so that we can just be partisans first, and Americans second. That has to stop. I do believe there are good people in both parties who are working towards that kind of statesmanship, but it gets blown apart by the extremists in each wing in favor for the political machinations we all should be tired of.

The issues that I see is that most Americans can fall to either side of center on various issues while the political parties supposedly representing us just move further left and further right. This give America as a whole 2 bad choices more and more often. I would like to see more moderates replacing the party line politicians which is getting harder with today's weaponized media.
Not sure anyone got a free day off that works for the gov., if shutdown protocol was followed.

Buzz, last shutdown, 16 days... Backpay was paid to all furloughed fed employees. Mission Critical worked and eventually we're paid as well.

MTMiller, enjoy your paid (eventually ) ice fishing. Share pics :)
Buzz, last shutdown, 16 days... Backpay was paid to all furloughed fed employees. Mission Critical worked and eventually we're paid as well.
I think Buzz was getting to the point that we were to report for duty this morning.
Buzz, last shutdown, 16 days... Backpay was paid to all furloughed fed employees. Mission Critical worked and eventually we're paid as well.

Call your Representatives and Senators.

Not the point of my first message BTW...in case you're wondering.
Yeah, the GOP controls all three branches, but they don't have a super majority so it is only trivia.

As I said earlier, putting themselves in a position so that they appeared to be cutting off pay for the military and denying health care to children so they can keep illegal aliens here was an incredibly stupid thing to do. It doesn't matter if that is true or not as the spin-scumbags are going to make it the perception. If it was a GOP trap then well done, but it seems to be just incompetence on the D side. I'm surprised the GOP didn't bring grandma out in a wheelchair and say she wasn't going to get her social security checks. I guess they didn't want to rub it in.
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