Yeti GOBOX Collection

Friday Music: Your "Wonder Years".

Looking thru and enjoying most of the music posted this A.M., made me realize that the girls of the 60's, 70's and 80's did not have to compete as hard for a boys attention as we did in the late 40's and early 50's. The boys back then spent more time with their trucks ( cars if they lived in town ) than us girls.

I adapted quickly and with the help of my dad, got a 1950 Ford F-1 and eliminated some of the competition ;)

Anyway, the boys and some of the girls, during those years enjoyed songs like

40's Cadillac Boogie
50's Rocket88, Hot Rod Lincoln, Rocket 88
60's Mustang Sally, GTO

Obviously it was not me that was slowing down in Winslow to take a look, as that girl had a flatbed;)

Hank : your post brought back memories. I was older than you so did not have to "sneak in" but your doing so, certainly made me smile :)
Looking thru and enjoying most of the music posted this A.M., made me realize that the girls of the 60's, 70's and 80's did not have to compete as hard for a boys attention as we did in the late 40's and early 50's. The boys back then spent more time with their trucks ( cars if they lived in town ) than us girls.

I adapted quickly and with the help of my dad, got a 1950 Ford F-1 and eliminated some of the competition ;)

Anyway, the boys and some of the girls, during those years enjoyed songs like

40's Cadillac Boogie
50's Rocket88, Hot Rod Lincoln, Rocket 88
60's Mustang Sally, GTO

Obviously it was not me that was slowing down in Winslow to take a look, as that girl had a flatbed;)

Hank : your post brought back memories. I was older than you so did not have to "sneak in" but your doing so, certainly made me smile :)
I've only owned 2 cars. A 63 Falcon wagon and a 67 Falcon Ranchero.
PU trucks were much more useful as a carpenter. And the cab was tight when giving rides to the gals.
Hank, as an aside. When I got the 1950, instead of a 1949, the boys said it was a "girl" truck because the shift was moved to the steering column in 1950 and some of my replies to them, did not please my mother. You know, farm girls understanding how things work a bit sooner than city girls surprised some boys who tried to embarrass me ;)

o.k. time for me to take a nap, but if time permits maybe someone could play at least one car related song-- someone, beside hank and I, must have had a love affair with a car or truck during their "wonder years"

Good day gentlemen and thank you
Hank, Chris, BHR, Brittany C.

Do any of you gentlemen remember The one I loved back then George Jones ;):ROFLMAO::love:

not just the song--but maybe--a snapshot in time that is filed in your memory under "wonder years " ;)

and thank you gentlemen for the great posts !

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