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Friday Music - The all Europe channel

Well Shoot! - Guess who doesn't know what day it is...

Me wishing for Friday didn't make it so.

gives everyone an extra day to enjoy the music you men post.

As to April, the song she told me to listen to one time when I was whining about something was " live like you were about to die" or something like that and I forgot who sang it, but the guy was dying so he started completing his bucket list. I tend to lean more toward the music Dave likes, than April. And why Mr Lamb does not like Bruce is beyond me. ;) Time for me to go to work. Goodday

They call it stormy Monday
But Tuesday's just as bad
They call it stormy Monday
But Tuesday's just as bad
Lord, and Wednesday's worse
And Thursday's all so bad . . .<<<<YOU ARE HERE
The eagle flies on Friday
I go out to play
Saturday I go out to play
Sunday I go to church, yeah
Gonna kneel down and pray