Yeti GOBOX Collection

Free Solo


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2015
Just watched a new Nat. Geo film on the 1st solo free climb of El Capitan in Yosemite.
Mind blowing! Gut Wrenching! It will clench the ol hole for SURE!
Won Best Doc. @ Oscars.
I did a bit of climbing on EC, baby SH!T. I could barely watch at times.
Alex Honnold is one amazing athalete ! & NUTS!
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He won't live long.

Only time will tell, I’ve seen a lot of friends , acquaintances, and childhood hero’s pass because of sports accidents, many of those had a devil may care attitude towards life. Honnald seems to have a bit of those, but also seems to be very calculated. Free soloing probably won’t be what gets him... possibly complacency in a free climbing due to conditioning the fear out of himself.
Recorded it, working up the gumption to face watching it. My self preservation instinct is so strong, I might not be able to watch it all the way through
I enjoyed watching it. That dude is a freak of nature. The combination of athletic ability, endurance, and mental toughness he possesses is uncanny.
Concur - in the early 2000's I worked for an outdoor gear/apparel retail startup and most of our IT and CS staff were hardcore big wall climbers. Like 30 days living on a wall in Baffin Island types.

I never really understood the climbing game, but these guys were all 'freaks of nature'. Watching them bouldering outside the office (or in the office climbing drywall up to the 'loft') was a lesson in physical humility.
Good film. Despite knowing the outcome, I had to take a break halfway through the film just so my sphincter could relax.
Guess that depends on if you consider Conrad Anker a "hot climber babe"
Please don't tell me Conrad went Kaitlyn on us! That would not be pretty.

Back to the movie, I could have done with less of the relationship drama footage, and more footage of the girl friend holding the rope.
just watched the movie myself, thanks Nat. Geo. So I've never understood elite climbers like that, absolutely risking life. He is definitely Asperger, wish my oldest could focus his mind like that to reach his goals.

On a complete side note, I can break a sweat doing house cores, that guy didn't have a bead of sweat after climbing 3000 feet straight up
Back to the movie, I could have done with less of the relationship drama footage, and more footage of the girl friend holding the rope.

I mean in Jimmy's defense it's a tall order to make Spock seem human...