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Freaky thing in the woods

Cathunt MT

New member
Apr 28, 2005
This got started on another forum I go to and they had some good story's. So tell me what are some of the freaky thing you have seen in the wood????
Would have to be....

....AZ402 out bowhunting :eek: :eek:

I saw a really freaky thing one time while guiding 2 guys in unit 27 on the middle fork. there were 2 big bulls, maybe 3 raghorns, and about 25 cows all spread out bedded down in a snowstorm. we snuck in about 200 yards, picked out the 2 biggest bulls, counted to 3 and they let er rip. The one big bull just laid his head down dead. The other got up and started to run. the hunter who did not kill his bull could not shoot as there were just too many elk running around. finally they all got lined out and went over the hill with the big bull in the back looking fresh as a daisy. He passed within 100 yards of us, and the guy never even got off a shot. I was pissed as he was huge. I went on over towards the dead bull and the two hunters argued with me that the 2nd bull was hit. we followed the track for 1/2 mile in the snow and no blood.

SO we started back to the dead bull. when we got about 100 yards from him his head came up. Then he stood up, then he started walking, then running then over the hill and gone. All this time the two guys were fumbling with their guns, gloves, one guy dropped his glasses in the snow. the other dropped his rifle, it was comedy of errors. I was so ticked off I was ready to kick both their asses and told them just how worthless they were. When we got up to the place where the bull had been laying, there was a big dead 6x6 that scored 320! Apparently the other bull just laid there by his dead buddy until we walked up. Man I felt like a fool. we should have had 2 big bulls and if they had been on the ball we would have had 3. It was Freaky to say the least.
Good one Arcat. That reminded me of a buck I killed in Wyoming a few years ago. I was sneaking through some thick sheet when I see this buck staring at me. I sat down and saw he was decent by my standards, but I really wanted to see what the other buck looked like, but unfortunately I could only see his back end. Finally I said hell with it and dropped this guy in his bed. I was ready to jump up and see if I could get a look at the other guy when he broke out, but he didn't move. I dropped my pack and snapped a few still with my video camera. Very dead buck on left, live one on right.:D

Finally as I tried to get in closer he busted out and hauled ass. I got a quick glimpse and was relieved to see it wasn't Mr. 30 incher, but a decent buck none the less.
Illegals crossing the border down near Sassabe AZ. They are spookier than the deer down there...
OK, here is my favorite hunting story. I was deer hunting with two other buddies one day, when we see a nice buck coming down a draw like a bat out of hell. My buddy drops to a knee and takes him down from about 75 yards. So we high five and head on over to the deer. As we are snapping some photos and getting our stuff out to clean/gut it, here comes two girls over and into the draw, all out of breath, sweaty, and carrying a rifle. These two were dressed in sweat pants and tennis shoes and didn't exactly look like they were our hunting. They immediately start screaming how we shot their deer. We basically told them, BS, we shot it, its our deer. One of them suddenly holds up a bloody mess of something and says, "No way, we got its balls!!" We were floored and they told us what had happened. Apparently their husbands had come out hunting and they came with. At the time, tags were cheap and easy so the guys bought tags for their wives, as well. The men went out into the woods and one of the guys left an extra rifle with the girls, just in case(ha-ha). While they were out, the girls were hanging around camp when the buck comes walking by their camp. The girls get the rifle out and somehow manage to get a shot off and the buck drops where he stands. Now they don't know what to do but vaguely remember something about needing proof of sex. So they get out a knife and lop off the buck's testicles at which point it promptly jumps up and takes off. They give chase and that is where we came in. We check over the buck and find a wound in its front quarter that somehow managed to miss bone and go right out the other side. The only other wound on it was the kill shot that my buddy had put through the boiler room. My buddy was feeling pretty generous and decided that after all their trouble, they could have the deer. I still argue with him to this day about giving it up. If he hadn't gotten another a few days later, I suppose it would have been worse. Anyway, that is, hands down, the freakiest thing I have ever seen in the woods.
Now that's a couple scary chicks. The first thing they do when they shoot a buck is cut off his balls. I would be careful if I was their husbands.
I didnt see it but my hunting partner did when i lived down in Wyoming. We were hunting in an area just outside Encampment. Anyhow we took off at night to get to our starting points and as the sun comes up he sees another hunter with his back to him about 150 yards down the ridge so my friend goes walking up to him and as he got close 10 yards or so the guy hears him and turns around real quick and as he does his g/f or wife which ever it was stands up from her kneeling positon right in front of him. so my buddy just turned and walked away laughing.
great guys but I was looking for some thing like BIG FOOT and ghost and little people in the woods thing like that..
The Ghost of Greenbriar Swamp

Here's one for ya! When I was a youngster back in the 60's, my dad, brother and I belonged to a hunting club down in the swamplands of Maryland's lower eastern shore.
The old farm house we rented, that served as our club house, had "scattershot" all over the corner of one of the bedroom ceilings. Come to find out, the farmer who once lived there blew his head-off in that very room.
The story goes that this farmer had a very fine wife and was very jealous of her beauty. The wife had an eye for men in general and apparently she had alittle extra activity going on around the area and her husband found out.
Well, he beheaded her, then took his own life with the shotgun. Funny thing was that her body was never recovered, just her head.
The story goes that late in the evenings, out over the marsh, a strange light can be seen moving around. Supposedly, it's the farmer's wife's body wandering the marsh with a lantern searching for her head. :eek: :eek: :eek:
Here's a bigfoot one for ya...:D

Getting close to twenty years ago now a real good friend of mine and I went scouting for elk in western Montana. It was an area we had scouted and hunted before and has a pretty solid grizzly population. It was early August and we were both packing our hunting rifles. Both of us were fairly poor and had great rifle optics and crap binoculars, neither of us owned a pistol at the time and we didn't feel like being Tim Treadwells predecessor in the bear sheet department. We had hiked up the trail in the dark planned to seperate for the morning to do some scouting.

We got to our predetermined split point 1/2 hour before sunup and I headed up one ridge and he headed up another ridge. Both of us had about an hour long hike to get to the top of our prospective ridges, each of our glassing spots would allow us to see back down the trail and into different bowl to glass and watch for elk as they headed to bed after the sun arose. About 1 hour after daylight I happened to look over towards his ridge and I could see him heading down the ridge and away from his overlook. He was moving pretty damn steady but not running. I actually turned up the power on my scope to see if I could see blood or anything on him, or some kind of reason for his heading down the ridge. He was on a pretty straight line getting out of there, hit the trail and headed for the truck. I figured something was wrong, so I grabbed my junk and headed for the truck as well. He was sitting in the front seat with the engine running when I got there. This is what he told me.

He had been heading up his ridge and was probably halfway up the ridge and the sky was just light enough to see when he spotted a large grizzly on a different hillside than the one he was heading up. He still probably had a half hour climb and the bear was close to a 1000 yards so he didn't really think to much of it. As it got lighter he could tell that the bear was in a large patch of huckleberries and did not seem to be in any hurry to move off. He got to his top of the ridge and the bear was still there, probably 400 yards out now, he said it didn't seem to have moved from the initial spot it was at, and he realized that the bear was on it's hind legs, he wasn't sure if it winded him or not, but the bear just kind of stayed right in the middle of the berry patch.

He took off his pack and layed it down, got in behind his gun and started scanning the bowl below him for elk. He had spotted a few cows with a spike, and a couple of good mulies. He was concentrating pretty hard on the mulies as he wanted to see where they would bed as we would be hunting that area in about 2 weeks with bows. he glanced over his shoulder and confirmed the bear was still in the same spot and went back to watching the mule deer bucks.

He watched them bed and then tried to find the elk again, which he could not find. When he glanced over his shoulder and saw the bear. Same exact spot. he realized that the bear had been there for a long time now, and always appeared to be standing upright. He'd seen plenty of grizzlies before, but never seen one stand on it's hind legs for close to an hour. He decided to take a closer look through his scope. He said it was a big bear, very dark furred and just standing there eating berries.

He said he watched it for probably five minutes, knowing something was wrong, then realizing he was looking at the face of a man. Said when he realized he was looking at Bigfoot he felt nothing but fear. Pure fear, nothing else. Almost as if it was standing right next to him kind of fear. He said he could not get off that ridge fast enough or out of its sight. He came off the ridge towards my side at a run dragging his daypack then slowed down just before I must have saw him cuz he was scared he was making too much noise and it might hear him. The "creature" was not on my side of the woods and he could not bring himself to turn up the trail to come get me. he said all he could think about was getting back to the truck.

Now before anyone calls bullsheet on this story, let me tell you this. This feller had killed five good bulls in five years out of that trailhead, and as long as I hunted with him he would never go back up that drainage. I've been with him when we've been bluff charged by griz trying to pack out elk. After sitting in the truck and watching his hands shake when he reached for the column shifter, I believe he is damn sure he saw a bigfoot. Hell, I couldn't get myself to head up that trail for five years after that, and I had killed three bulls there.

We had about a 90 minute drive home, and most of it was in silence. About 45 minutes into the drive, I asked him why he didn't shoot the damn thing. He said it never crossed his mind. I've only been back in there about 3 times since that little scouting trip, and you better believe me I kept my eyes open for a grizzly standing on it's hind legs.

Do I believe in Bigfoot, hell I don't know. But I know one thing for danged sure, one of the best woodsman I ever knew damn sure knows theres a bigfoot.
I'm imagining a composite donkeypuncher/benchwarmer FH team would peg the freaky meter.
OK, I have a Bigfoot one for ya.

When I was about 9 my dad and I where bow hunting we left the truck real early to get to the spot that we wanted to get to be for it got light. So off we went it was a five mile walk we got there early with a lot of time be for it got light, so we sat down and had a snack when all the sudden up the canyon we hear this noise and it sounded like someone was yelling HHHHAAAAYYYYYY. There was no other sound to be heard about a 1 to 2 min. later we hear the same thing at the other end of the canyon. That went on tell it got light. At 9 I was very happy to see the sun..
Well I told that to tell you this. Years latter I was hunting in that same canyon ( in the light) and me and my buddy where glassing for elk when I seen this brown figure on the other side of the canyon. It was a fresh clear cut that was very steep lots of trees down. I told my buddy to take a look at it and tell me what he thought it was. So we took out the spotting scope. This thing was walking up right and move very fast over this stuff. No man could cover the ground he did in that amount of time. We both started looking at it with are binos again he stop for a second and looked right at us. That was a bad feeling:eek: :eek: so we got the hell out of there and fast.
I dont tell this story very often because people just call BS.
So say what you want.....
But dont be so narrow minded to think we are the only human like animals.
Freaky things in the woods...???

The only thing that comes to mind is those pictures of elkcheese sitting next to the bunker he built in the woods....thats pretty freaky.
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