Fox or coyote?


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2009
84F35BB4-1BB0-4372-A1A7-8C69207D8842.jpegAs an east coast guy located near the beaches in Maryland I did not grow up with coyotes. There has been the occasional one in the last few years on social media. I have a new farm this year and see this guy. Help me here, fox or coyote?
It’s hot and humid here in the summers so foxes do get pretty mangy. Guess I will find out.

That spot has had turkeys all over it and since this picture (and a few others) they have disappeared.
Coyote. Main differences:

  • Coyotes over 20 pounds/foxes are generally less
  • Coyotes hunt during day or night where foxes are generally nocturnal
  • Coyotes live in packs January-February for mating but foxes mate in pairs. Otherwise both solitary.
  • Coyotes have long triangular ears. Foxes have relatively short ears.
  • Foxes have a shorter snout that what you see in the image
  • Foxes have tails longer proportionately to their body.
I grew up on a farm shooting coyotes on a regular basis. Never saw foxes until we left the farm and moved to the city.
If I'm not mistaken, the mid-Atlantic coast area is one of the last places to get coyotes in the U.S. I think Delaware was the last holdout.