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Fourth time is the charm


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2020
I'm 0/3 on elk tags. To prepare for my second rifle cow tag, I got in the right frame of mind this morning.


Got home about 2, in time to test my first round of (last year's) venison jerky. It's good.

Got to the trailhead around 4, there's a truck, PA plates. Shit. I like this spot, had a good chance last year and lots of elk game cam photos from this fall.

Start the hike. Call my Grammy in FL. She's well, thanks for wondering. Apologize for barely being able to speak while going uphill under load.

Meet three friendly dudes, with the PA plates. They're hunting elsewhere, with a 74yo father to watch for. Great.

Get to the meadow, and there are three dudes with a campfire at the first great campsite. I approach, to try to suss out tomorrow's plan and stay out of their way.

First, I get shushed. If they expect a bull to walk out into this meadow tomorrow morn, the 50 head of cattle think they're mistaken.

My recollection of the conversation:

Me: Ah, with no cars at the trailhead, I thought I'd have this spot to myself!

Beard: You didn't see the horses?

Me: I saw tracks, did an outfitter bring you in?

Beard: No, we came alone.

Me: So you have horses? They're around?

Beard: No, we came alone.

Confused, I pitched what I would do tomorrow and promised to try to stay out of their way. Beard agreed.

*If you are a hunttalk member camped at XXXXXXX XXXX, apologies, I was just trying to be friendly, don't know where we went wrong.

Found my site.


Off to bed soon - if 7 is shooting light, 5:30 early enough to be heading to my spot and beating Beard there? We shall see.
PEAX Trekking Poles

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