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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2011
LaPorte, IN
Anybody else in beast mode prepping for the mountains this fall?

Completed a 5K yesterday here in Chicago. There were only 34 in a field of 844 that were older than me, but I came in 322. So beat 2/3rd the kids. I'm running 4 miles/day, or biking 20. Only 7 weeks to go until the elk rut kicks in! Bring on Wyoming. :)

Burned 31 hard earned bonus points for three hunts. Plus Illinois whitetail rut for a breather in between! Wanting to make the most of a full plate.
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Wow, sounds pretty dang good! This is telling me I have a lot more work to do in the 8 weeks before I go to CO for my first western hunt. Everyone says you will think you are in decent shape until you get there, then you will train harder next year... I'm guessing thats gonna be the case. I'm up to jogging 2 miles each AM without stopping, but it's obviously time to do more, thanks for the reminder. (age 45)
I ran 29:37, 9:31/mile. Nothing special, but I will be 54 next month. 10th out of 21 in my 50-54 age group. I am always surprised how few runners (4%) participate beyond my age of 53 in this event.
You have set me a challenge now, I am 53 and need to get fit again after getting fit for my hunt in MT last year, put all the weight back on again!
I ran 29:37, 9:31/mile. Nothing special, but I will be 54 next month. 10th out of 21 in my 50-54 age group. I am always surprised how few runners (4%) participate beyond my age of 53 in this event.

That's great.
Zim, this is weird, kinda like posting to myself. My last name is Zimmerman, and all my friends and family have called me Zim for my whole life.
Anyway, yes count me in as one who is also back on the road to fall fitness. I was badly sidelined this past winter and spring with a most horrible ailment but am now once again living on my pullup bar, hitting the weights and as of this past week, able to run again! My whole family are usually year round workout junkies but this past several months with me out of it kinda screwed everyone up.
It's good to be active again, I will never take my health for granted again.
Ran 6.1miles this AM. 1hr 4 min. Not the fastest time but building up for an elk hunt in NM to help out a family member and for a leftover deer tag in Novmeber. For those of you that hold tags in NM you should be happy to know that we are getting consistent rain that I haven't seen in years. Cant wait

Sorry wrong thread
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On June 7th I completed a GoRuck Challenge, where people who are US Army Speical Forces do a 12 hour event that will take you anywhere from 15 to 20 miles while carrying a backpack with 36lbs of bricks in them. So with water and other necessities you are looking at a 45lb pack. The Cadre had us carry 50lb rocks on our back for 6 miles, then carry about a 400lb log back (there was 4 people per log), then carry steal beams several miles, then finished it up with a couple of mile buddy carry. There was 9 of us in our group, one person had to carry the American Flag at all times, so that left 8 of us to do the work. Physically grueling and mentally taxing, but after it was down a good sense of achievement.
Sore today. Three full days of slogging in OR over the weekend, plus cutting, splitting, stacking wood. Shed another 4.5 pounds today. Was treated to burger, fries and malt beverages at the Elkhorn in Sumpter last night. Put in another 4.5 miles this morning of up and downs, then 3 hr drive home, unload and clean up in 96 degrees. Stay upwind if you can. Shower next up.
31 points!? Sounds like an awesome fall. Besides WY elk and IL whitetail what other hunts do you have planned?
31 points!? Sounds like an awesome fall. Besides WY elk and IL whitetail what other hunts do you have planned?

Ya, nice to burn some instead of stacking more, huh? 8 for WY unit 38 elk, 8 for WY unit 64 pronghorn & 15 for AZ unit 12AW late deer.

Feels nice to cash in and change strategies. After these I will be targeting low profile, mid-tier type hunts. Already got some in mind.
No where near where I'd like to be. I got banged up in a fall in May -busted ribs and torn MCLl. Just started rehab for my knee last week. Had to delay elk hunting til next year. Hoping to get into good enough shape to chase lopes in October. Tags came today.
5 knee surgeries, 2 of which were ACL's have stopped any thoughts of running in my mind. But did do 3.7 miles with 1200' elevation change with 50lbs in my pack this morning. Trying to do that 2-3 times a week, mixed with an hour on the treadmill at 10 degree incline on days I can't make it to the trail.