Fist full of tags


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2013
I've liked a lot of the live hunts here, and wanted to share my season as well. I have a handful of tags this season, all general and OTC tags, three Mule Deer tags and one Elk. Had one Colorado draw tag for deer but had to return it because two of my best friends decided to get married during Colorado's 3rd season, pretty bummed about that.

Anyway, first up is Idaho. I left LA last night for the general Mule Deer season. It's a pretty weird feeling driving up this far and not even having the tag yet. I made the mistake of not buying the tag sooner and was told the tag takes up to 10 business days to arrive and that would have possibly been past opening day. So I'm just going to buy one at the gas station :)

Hoping to post often, but it's tough to say how much reception I'll have. This will be a solo backpack trip so posting here will give me something to do during the slow hours of the day or night.

I'm really excited that the season is finally here! Will be looking for a mature or cool buck!
I just performed a wedding during the third week of September. I told everyone that he might regret this when the anniversary comes up and he can't go hunt elk during the rut!
No true friend gets married during hunting season ;)
I hope you have success on your hunts!

I swear, if I have one more friend that decides to get married in September or early October...
Good luck with all those tags! Keep us posted when you can.
I've already made all my friends and family aware that I don't attend weddings in September
Good luck on your hunt. As for fall weddings, never. Rut tags. Non-rut tags. College football with home games or great match-ups. pro football games might miss if flew to a wedding now on plane home, etc. I understand if a shotgun is involved, otherwise no fall weddings.
I hear ya guys about the fall weddings. Im best man for both though, so can't miss them. But sure is a strange time to have a wedding rather than the standard summer weddings. Would have much rather had that.

As far as hunting, sorry for the limited updates. Got out of the high county mid day today, had no reception where I was at.

The first evening before the opener I saw 30 does and one small 4pt buck from some easier glassing spots.

The morning of the opener I hiked in in the dark to a spot I had been wanting to check out. It didn't pan out as well as I'de hoped. Great looking basin, found 2 young immature bucks, a 4 pt and a 3pt feedind in the rim rock. Saw nothing else that morning. So i packed over to the next drainage. That evening I saw about 15 does and 1 small buck, too far away to tell exactly what he was.

This morning I looked into one big aspen filled drainage and saw somewhere around a dozen does and 3 different bucks. Biggest was a 22inch wide 3 point.

I packed it up and got out of there since I heard about a rain storm coming in and was low on food. Since I didn't see any mature bucks, I figured I'de try some other country in another unit I have wanted to check out. So I left, I might come back in a few days to check this place one more time.

On my way to the other unit, I saw some really good looking country, i thought it was private but was surprised to see it was BLM. This area was more winter range type country, with rolling hills, sage, and patches of quaking aspen. There was no one hunting there so I hiked a big loop. Saw 15 Elk, including one nice bull (wish I had an Elk Tag) 10 deer, and only 2 small bucks.

So as of now, I haven't seen any mature bucks, I think the opening day pressure put them in the thick stuff. Going to try some new country tomorrow, I'll let you guys know how it goes.
A couple pics from the last few days. One is of some of the aspen type county I like to glass, and the other of the bull I saw today. Hopefully ill have some pictures of a big buck eventually!
Wish it were easier to flip the picture from my phone..
I picked up my archery general deer tag and elk tag a few days ago in Idaho. I can't wait! I'll be following for sure.
Hey guys, so I'm heading home with my un-filled tag. Next 6 days calls for rain and snow, I'de rather go home, catch up on work and be back for the last 2-4 days of the season. So I'll be back. I'll write about my last two days next.
Day 3 of season:

Tried a new unit this day. Started off slow. I looked in some cool looking country but didn't see too much sign, so I hiked in further from the road and got into an area that looked good. I immediately saw 3 mulie does go off into some pine, so I sat tight to see what else I'de see in there. I saw nothing for a few hours, but kept with it and around 5 o'clock it was like the light switch was flipped. Deer started coming out here and there, and while not in great numbers, I saw 15 deer total, of which four were bucks, one was a spike, a 2pt, then a 22-23 inch 4pt and a 26 inch wide 5x5 that had matching inline points coming out in-between each back fork! I made a stalk on him and when I got into shooting range he had disappeared and made a fool of me! Never saw him again. Im kind of glad he didn't give me an opportunity because I wasn't completely sold on shooting him and was going to make my decision when/if I had him in my scope. He was a great looking buck, but I got my sights set on trying for one a little bigger. Had he gave me a shot opportunity I may have taken it, I was pretty excited in the moment sine he's the best buck I had seen. I'll post a pic next, it's not a good picture, but you can kind of see his frame and get an idea of how big he is.

And just to let the elk guys know, the elk were bugling pretty well this afternoon. Had a few around me sounding off every 5 min or so.
Day 4 of season:

Really windy today. Started sprinkling rain in the afternoon. Had the deer holed up more. In total I saw 27 deer, of which 3 were bucks, two repeats from the day before and one new 3pt. Never saw the bigger one.

Couldn't get away from the elk today, little groups of 2 to 6 everywhere. Bulls really started sounding off a lot this afternoon. Better than yesterday. Also saw one small bear in the black timber when I was hiking back at dusk, was hoping not to run into momma, and thankfully I didnt.

Idaho has a great variety of game, and some good quality as well, I just can't believe there isn't Three times more deer for how good the habitat is, lots of feed. Anyway, I had an awesome time and can't wait to come back.

Thanks for following along guys, I'll re-update when I get back out again. Still don't know when I'll head out for my Utah and Idaho round 2 hunt.
MH, yeah the picture is horrible. I was just trying to take a quick pic by holding up my phone to my spotter. Also didn't want to spend too much time trying to get a picture when I could have been stalking him trying to get into position. A scope cam adapter will definitely be on my wish list for gear next season.

And the buck had good mass in his back forks and good main beams, but his front forks were on the smaller side, especially the left front.
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