First Sit Of The Season.


New member
Oct 1, 2015
Essex, England.
I was finally able to get out with the rifle this evening, sat in an area that we call "the park" which is about 20 acres of grassland. Was hoping to see young cull fallow bucks. Shot the fox early on, later had a muntjac doe came out with a nice buck following her but I let him go for another year and at last light a fallow doe and her fawn fed to within 40 yards of me. Lovely evening, great to be out.


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Foxes can be a problem with ground nesting bird's, lamb's and I'm pretty sure muntjac fawns probably get a hard time from them. The local fox population has had an easy ride for a few year's so it's time to put a little pressure on them.
Looks like a great spot, very nice fox! Are you going to do anything with him?