First Buck!


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2000
Opening morning of Indiana’s gun season found me in a ground blind on our place with both my 6yo and my 9yo. The plan was that the oldest got first crack if it was a buck, but lil’ bro got a turn if it wasn’t. So the 3 of us got settled in and waited as the world woke up. About 8am I spotted a doe crossing the powerline ROW that we were watching, but at the very top of the hill, off our property and too far away. No more had she made it across did I spot a buck! The boys spotted him in their binos and we watched as he followed her path across and into the woods. That elicited a request to use the grunt call that grandma got the oldest for Christmas a few years back. A few loud BRRRPPPS were sent out. Nothing. We had all just settled back into our seats when my oldest says, “Buck!”. I look towards the top of the hill, but then notice a buck stepping out of the trees at less than 40yds. Spencer gets on the gun as follows the deer in the scope as he makes his way out to nibble on some rye. As he thumbs the hammer back on the Marlin 30-30 it slips and CLICK. He gets it back on the second try and sights in on the deer while Kellen and I watch. The deer stops and is feeding when he pulls the trigger… CLICK. I tell him to try again. CLICK. I get him off the gun and cycle a new round in. This got the buck’s attention for a bit, but he takes another step and goes back to feeding. Just as my son gets back I the rifle I tell him to wait as I just remembered the cross safety. I reach up and click it off, the hammers back, and BOOM! I see hair fly off the buck and he runs back into the trees. I spot what I’m pretty sure blood on the offside in a place I’m happy to see it.

High fives, knuckle bumps, and we start whispering about what just happened. Lots of excitement in the blind. Once that’s over I have the two boys switch seats as I switch guns on the rest. It’s now K-man and only K-man’s turn. About 20mins later I spot another buck move out of the trees into the ROW about 90yds out, which is about 30yds further than my limit. He makes his way toward us, but exit’s stage left before getting within range. We sit for about another 30mins, spotting a pair of does too far away before the younger generation reaches a consensus that it’s time to go find Spencer’s deer.

At the spot of impact I find a bit of blood right away. From there I move ahead looking for more blood as they stay at the last spot until the next one is found. Once they get into the rhythm of it I sort of turn them loose and let them look for the next spot. About 30yds away the blood leads us to a short ledge. I peer over and see a deer floating in one of only two small water holes on the place! Spencer has his first buck (5th deer)!

We head back to the cabin for the UTV and Spencer drives us back to the site. We tie on to him and drag him back to the cabin for field dressing and pictures.
After a trip to the processor and taxidermist (my wife said you only kill your first buck once!) we head back out for the afternoon. The early hours and excitement have the two youngsters sleepy…

I wake them when I see a deer in the ROW, but it too never gets close enough for K-man. The next morning was much the same, except less naps and more deer. All in all on Sunday morning we had 17 deer come through, but all too far away. The patience they both showed in waiting for deer and interest in using their bino’s, the rangefinder, and just watching critters make me believe that I have a pretty good pair of hunting buddies to raise.
Looks like some great memories are being made at your home this holiday week. Great job recording the activity. Love the in blind before deer and after deer sighting pictures.
Amazing how kids can go from 0 to 60 in just seconds during a hunt. Great fun. Looking forward to the upcoming sequel when K-Man shows you all how it is done.:)
Man, that's awesome. I get so much out of these father/son and father/daughter threads.
Congrats to the little guy, looks like he made a great shot.

Sounds like you've created a little honeyhole there on your property. I didn't see a single deer opening day.
Fantastic! Love to see kids getting out there and having a good time. They're hooked for life, no doubt. Good job Pointer.
Congrats on some great lifelong memories!
Awesome job guys! ...C'mon K-man!!
Congrats to spencer on his first buck that's a one time feeling. K-man I'm rooting for you hang in there you'll get it done. By the way spencer that deer is nicer than my first buck. Hi fives from me.

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