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Firsst time? Is elk hunting worth the $ to go????


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Jul 31, 2016
Is it worth the mula to go elk hunting??? I have heard this question at least a 100 times. Recently I heard it on one of Randy's podcasts.
If your a non resident and have to pay upwards of $600 for a tag plus expenses, that is some serious money to go hunting for 7-10 days. Ask your self some hard questions. If you live in the midwest like I do it will cost upwards of 1500 just to go. Thats if you have everything you need. If you dont have averything it will be more.
Here is the answer to your question, If you like to hunt, If you like the mountains, If you like to hike vertical and pant like a dog, your gonna love elk hunting!!! Its one of those situations in life where you either love it or you hate it. If your willing to spend the money, make it a great time no matter wether you get an elk or not. Chances are you wont the first time, I didnt.
I have hunted elk in 3 states. I am a local truck driver, married to a dissabled wife. I make very little money. I also have My own handicaps. I was told 12 years ago that I should not be able to walk because of my arthrtis in both ankles. I refuse to let that stop me. I wanted to go at least once, now I cant stop going. I am 51 now and I will spend the rest of my life trying to go elk hunting!! Like I have heard Randy say, "You will run out of health before you run out of money". Well thats true, just save up and go. Go with your buddies that also like to hunt, or your kids but go.
Heres what you will be paying for... Your gonna get a tag that will let you chase one of the greatest creatures God ever created for a hunter. Your gonna climb some of the most beautiful mountains, see some of the most spectacular scenery ever created. It cant be about just harvessting an elk or you will probably not like it, if thats all you care about, pay a guide and go on private land. Best way to put it is, Harvesting an elk is like the candle on a birthday cake, you already got a great cake and some awesome frosting.
All this being said, If you end up like myself, obssessed, you will do what ever you can to go next year and the next year. I have only been 4 times myself and have harvested 2 elk on public land. last year was My groups first time to Idaho and 4 out of 5 of us harvested a bull on public land. It was hard work and we had to get away from all the other people out there but it paid off. We actually shot three of our bulls on the same day.
I personally dont go expecting to kill an elk. I go to have a great time with my best friends and my kids in some of the most beuatiful country we have, and have a great time... we do. I love sitting on top of those mountains and just listen and watch all by myself. There is nothing like it. If you love hunting....Save your money and do it at least once, if your like me it wont be the last time, the mountains will call you back. ITs worth every penny!
If someone asks if it worth the money, I don't want to hunt with them. They will never be happy if they don't get an elk.
"All this being said, If you end up like myself, obsessed, you will do what ever you can to go next year and the next year."

Insert 'Lope anywhere in that equation (for me anyways) and you're 100 % on target.

Some guys are addicted to blondes, some to redheads....doesn't matter. The game is in the pursuit and that is what keeps the ol' ticker clickin' .
Is it worth the mula to go elk hunting??? I have heard this question at least a 100 times. Recently I heard it on one of Randy's podcasts.
If your a non resident and have to pay upwards of $600 for a tag plus expenses, that is some serious money to go hunting for 7-10 days. Ask your self some hard questions. If you live in the midwest like I do it will cost upwards of 1500 just to go. Thats if you have everything you need. If you dont have averything it will be more.
Here is the answer to your question, If you like to hunt, If you like the mountains, If you like to hike vertical and pant like a dog, your gonna love elk hunting!!! Its one of those situations in life where you either love it or you hate it. If your willing to spend the money, make it a great time no matter wether you get an elk or not. Chances are you wont the first time, I didnt.
I have hunted elk in 3 states. I am a local truck driver, married to a dissabled wife. I make very little money. I also have My own handicaps. I was told 12 years ago that I should not be able to walk because of my arthrtis in both ankles. I refuse to let that stop me. I wanted to go at least once, now I cant stop going. I am 51 now and I will spend the rest of my life trying to go elk hunting!! Like I have heard Randy say, "You will run out of health before you run out of money". Well thats true, just save up and go. Go with your buddies that also like to hunt, or your kids but go.
Heres what you will be paying for... Your gonna get a tag that will let you chase one of the greatest creatures God ever created for a hunter. Your gonna climb some of the most beautiful mountains, see some of the most spectacular scenery ever created. It cant be about just harvessting an elk or you will probably not like it, if thats all you care about, pay a guide and go on private land. Best way to put it is, Harvesting an elk is like the candle on a birthday cake, you already got a great cake and some awesome frosting.
All this being said, If you end up like myself, obssessed, you will do what ever you can to go next year and the next year. I have only been 4 times myself and have harvested 2 elk on public land. last year was My groups first time to Idaho and 4 out of 5 of us harvested a bull on public land. It was hard work and we had to get away from all the other people out there but it paid off. We actually shot three of our bulls on the same day.
I personally dont go expecting to kill an elk. I go to have a great time with my best friends and my kids in some of the most beuatiful country we have, and have a great time... we do. I love sitting on top of those mountains and just listen and watch all by myself. There is nothing like it. If you love hunting....Save your money and do it at least once, if your like me it wont be the last time, the mountains will call you back. ITs worth every penny!

Im with you. Im 100 percent obsessed with elk hunting. I've been 5 times and only killed one cow with my bow but it's been worth every penny. Going back this year and every year i can.
Elk hunting starts with a desire, it turns into a passion. Once you start there is no turning back. I would rather elk hunt than hunt any other game species.
Im an archery hunter. Ive hunted whitetails locally (from northern Illinois), Hunted moose and bear in Canada, and elk and bear in New Mexico. Absolutely nothing compares to elk hunting. Nothing like the experience. It is completely unlike any other animal. I havent bought a whitetail license since 2013. Been elk hunting for 6 years. All DIY, knowledge base was zero. Now I could care less if I even have a bow. It's just as much fun to call for someone else as it is to be the shooter.

With that said, I hunt with a group of guys. It's a 24 hour drive there, and 24 hour drive back. Were gone for up to 2 1/2 weeks. You get to know people a little better, for better or worse. I've been with guys and all they do is complain about how much food costs, how long of a drive it is, why aren't we doing this, do we gotta hike this far, do we have to go up that mountain blah blah blah.. It gets nauseating. From a personal point of view, I don't want to hunt with someone who's first question is "is it worth it". That person will never be satisfied and will only complain and not want to put the effort in.
I would rather elk hunt than hunt any other game species.

I couldn't agree more. Elk hunting IS the only hunting I do. I gave up deer hunting here in La, two years ago, and don't really miss it. All I can think about is Elk hunting, and when I was sitting in a deer stand, I was wishing I was back out West listening to Elk bugles instead of slapping mosquitoes in the swamp waiting for a 100 pound whitetail to show up.
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I'll admit it- I'm an Elkoholic. I'm addicted, obsessed, and never stop thinking about elk. This time of year, it gets REALLY bad!
I first got the urge to travel to the west for elk when I was fresh out of high school in the Midwest because whitetail hunting in my circle of friends had become about inches not the experience, I was losing interest in it. To say I was strapped for cash is an understatement, but I made sacrifices and picked up extra work to be able to go. I asked many of my friends to go, many of them talked about how they would love to go elk hunting or out west, but didn't even know where to begin. For most of them elk hunting was on the Outdoor Channel, at a private ranch costing 1000s of dollars. I still wanted to go, and the desire was getting worse with everyone who said no! This was at the time when the internet was becoming a viable tool for researching out of state opportunities and I began the process. I settled on a Colorado rifle hunt and away I went. 15 years later I have hunted Colorado rifle and archery many times, Arizona once and I have hunted in Alaska for moose twice, black bears once, and grizzly bears once. When I look back the thought does not cross my mind if those trips were worth the cost, but it does cross my mind what I could have done if I wouldn't have spent money on things like going to the bar or things that I had to have at the time and ended up not really needing them. I recently heard Big Fin saying to "Hunt when you can because your health will run out before your money does" and that cannot be more true!
It's good to be a Wyoming resident. I can hunt elk for about $200 for gas, tags, food, and ammo.
Whats your health worth to you? To me the answer is "priceless." Elk hunting literally saved my life. I was 30 years old, 40 pounds over weight, poor diet, borderline Hypertension....not going down a good road. I got the invite to do an archery hunt. I, that day, began to change my life. My lifestyle. I changed my diet, my physical activity. I now weigh what I did in high school. I hear a lot of people who says that their wifes complain when they go wife embraces it. She has seen all the positive changes it has brought to me...and she knows that I am living a better quality of life because of it...and that I will be around and healthy for many more years. We eat many many meals each year of lean, high quality game meat. Im fortunate she likes this as i guess the answer, to me at least, is........YES. Its worth it.......
Everyone's replies are special each in their own way, and all hit home!

Mine, simply put ...


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    Hunt - license plate 2 Ariz.jpg
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Guys, great replies. I waited way too long to go the first time. I kept saying i didnt have the money. If you love to hunt and always dreamed about elk hunting, spend the money and go. I would seriously consider who you go with, but when you find the right bunch of friends that are as inthusastic as you are about going it will be nothing less than a positive experience.
IMHO its not about the killing of an elk its about being there and having the chance. There is no place like the rocky mountains and there is nothing alive like the rocky mountain elk!
To the OP. your passion shines through like a bright light on a dark night my friend. And I agree, hell yeah it's worth it.
Whats your health worth to you? To me the answer is "priceless." Elk hunting literally saved my life. I was 30 years old, 40 pounds over weight, poor diet, borderline Hypertension....not going down a good road. I got the invite to do an archery hunt. I, that day, began to change my life. My lifestyle. I changed my diet, my physical activity. I now weigh what I did in high school. I hear a lot of people who says that their wifes complain when they go wife embraces it. She has seen all the positive changes it has brought to me...and she knows that I am living a better quality of life because of it...and that I will be around and healthy for many more years. We eat many many meals each year of lean, high quality game meat. Im fortunate she likes this as i guess the answer, to me at least, is........YES. Its worth it.......

I have to agree. Elk hunting has totally changed my health from very bad, to very good health. My BMI is in the low 20's, I'm at the weight that I was at 22 (153 from 190), and now 48 years old. I feel 100% better than I have in recent memory.
I had a friend (woman) at church to comment on me being in good shape. She asked me to tell her husband how I lost weight. Yep, he's just 40 and is overweight. I simply told him to plan (2) two backcountry DIY elk hunts, one for back to back years. I told him..."between hunts, you will lose weight and get in the best shape of your life...I promise"! You'll only go out of shape and overweight once!
Yep, elk hunting is worth every penny!
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Worth it all I can say is HELL yes I wanted to elk hunt in Montana since reading a magazine article about elk hunting the bob about1985.I found every excuse not to go I didn't have the money,the wife (ex wife)wants to spend 2 weeks at the beach again.I can't take off that much time for work,It's just TOO MUCH MONEY.5 years ago I was divorced and 3 years ago I my daughter talked me into asking out a great lady for a date.2 years ago me and the most wonderful woman ever got married and guess where she is from ,yep Montana her family invited me out to elk hunt so we saved every dime for a yr and I finally got to go on a elk hunt WOW WOW WOW.Im totally hook from the minute I leave TN.Then to top it all off I killed a nice 5x5.Now every thing we do is about elk hunting.We save money to go scouting.we save money to just get out west to look at elk in velvet.We plan our entire year around the upcoming elk season.So is it worth it HELL YES elk hunting has made me the happiest man I know of and I have yet to find someone anywhere near me that's to work 2 or 3 jobs all year long just to go with me except my dad who doesn't even Hunt and he is totally hooked too.So now I have a wife that works as hard I as I do saving for the next years elk trips(she can't go out during hunting season due to work but goes the other trips during spring and summer).Is it worth it HELL YES!!!

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