Caribou Gear Tarp

Finally! Lifetime ban for poaching.

I'll bet you, that with this type of activity and this criminals attitude, this is not the only crimes he has committed. Just the one he got caught and convicted for. This type of person does not respect the boundaries our society has established, and it's not just confined to hunting activity.
Sadly, probably very true
I personally think there should be more punishment with this type of blatant disregard for the law and other peoples right to have legally harvested those animals. He stole from everyone...
I like the 500 hours community service part of the penalty the most. While he cannot repay what he stole, at least he is made to act like a responsible person in some ways. It's up to him if he wants to actually learn from it, or just act like a thief and a criminal the rest of his life.
I'll bet you, that with this type of activity and this criminals attitude, this is not the only crimes he has committed. Just the one he got caught and convicted for. This type of person does not respect the boundaries our society has established, and it's not just confined to hunting activity.

I personally think there should be more punishment with this type of blatant disregard for the law and other peoples right to have legally harvested those animals. He stole from everyone...

Idk man... I think what you’re saying follows a sound logic, but I know plenty of dudes that are normal, sociable dudes that live within the constraints of society, but put them in a half-ton pick up in no man’s land with a spotlight and rifle and you’d be surprised what they might do. And I’m not even talking being tempted by trophies.
Jail. If you stole numerous cars, and the value on those elk is similar, you wouldn't be banned from driving, you'd be sitting in jail.

Any idea what the punishment would be if you shot/stole 15k or whatever worth of someone’s livestock?

I feel like you would definitely be in jail.
What do you think should be the proper punishment then?

Jail is a good start. I'd offer him a path to redemption. 1500 hours of conservation volunteer work with an NGO working on state wildlife/habitat projects might be better. Certainly better than making him watch Bambi in jail like a different jackass sentence.
Anymore in America, jail/prison is almost exclusively reserved for those who are a danger to society. You can be a menace, a scourge, whatever, but unless you are selling drugs or sexually abusing kids multiple times over, caught driving under the influence 6+ times, you're going to be put on probation 10 out of 10 times. The two links below are in the 100k range of theft, and both basically got off with a slap on the wrist.
You assume this is the worst punishment he could receive...
No I don't, I think its joke. I think he should be making big rock into little rocks.
I also believe that when someone serves their time, they get to start over. Otherwise their is no reason to change.
One issue with this. is he will never be allowed to purchase a license, therefore he will just keep stealing our natural resources. If you think he will just all of a sudden stop hunting because he can't buy a license, is a joke.
Send him to jail and make him buy every possible hunting and fishing license, while he is in jail. That's irony!
Anymore in America, jail/prison is almost exclusively reserved for those who are a danger to society.

Well... and poor people, the number of people in jail for municipal violations and other petty crimes is ridiculous.
Where, in CO?

Yeah although apparently everywhere... specifically I was told about the issue from a LOE buddy but there was also a Jon Oliver episode about it.

Although this is a major derailment of the topic.
This kid was the step son of a former coworker. FWP didnt catch even half the stuff he did. The other odd thing is he poached a huge bull right off the road, which isnt pictured. This was the straw that broke the camel's back as the ranch house was close by and they id'ed his vehicle.
Idk man... I think what you’re saying follows a sound logic, but I know plenty of dudes that are normal, sociable dudes that live within the constraints of society, but put them in a half-ton pick up in no man’s land with a spotlight and rifle and you’d be surprised what they might do. And I’m not even talking being tempted by trophies.

You make a good point.

Ethics and Integrity is about what people do when not being watched. One thing I know, there is a reason someone with a record can't get a security clearance and usually it's because they have no integrity. People like this usually don't just stop criminal activity. There are exceptions and some people do learn their lesson.
With this much of a blatant disregard for laws, there is more. This case is not about someone that did not know, misread the regulations, misread a map, or made a mistake and wondered into the wrong area. This person was a guide, therefore he knew what he was doing was wrong and illegal. And was arrogant enough to post on social media. Just my opinion....
You make a good point.

Ethics and Integrity is about what people do when not being watched. One thing I know, there is a reason someone with a record can't get a security clearance and usually it's because they have no integrity. People like this usually don't just stop criminal activity. There are exceptions and some people do learn their lesson.
With this much of a blatant disregard for laws, there is more. This case is not about someone that did not know, misread the regulations, misread a map, or made a mistake and wondered into the wrong area. This person was a guide, therefore he knew what he was doing was wrong and illegal. And was arrogant enough to post on social media. Just my opinion....

I think you’re mostly right, but I’ve known a lot of dudes growing up that we’re stand up guys in most every aspect of life but to this day simply can not control themselves when it comes to killing things when they know they can get away with it, some even after already being caught. Maybe deep down they’re actually really shady. People are weird.
Schuhen trespassed on the land of family friends in the course of his illegal kills. He was already under a temporary suspension of his hunting, fishing and trapping rights for misdemeanor convictions related to the trespassing, his attorney said.
Hmmmm already under suspension but yet he kept at it +this won't stop him he will just keep doing it
Does Montana have an expungement statute for felonies and misdemeanors? State convictions for felonies can be sealed and expunged after 8 years from sentencing in my state. This guy could possibly get all of his rights back if he lives in a state with similar “second-chance” laws. I have see Class A felony convictions expunged for much worse crimes against humans.
Conviction is different than penalty. You can have a conviction expunged in some jurisdictions, but the court-ordered penalty might remain, such as completion of paying fines or restitution.
They should have cut his hands off.

Know this, taking his privileges will not stop him from doing it again and he will be in the news again one day. Poaching is a sickness. One that cannot be broken easily.
this like the third post that I get through to the end one before realizing that someone (cough...7mag cough) keeps dragging up old posts.