Finally! Lifetime ban for poaching.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009

The only aspect that burns me a bit...
A person, who - when confronted, admitted his guilt, showed locations of his criminal acts, pled guilty, showed remorse, etc... Became the sacrificial Lamb of poacher beheadings.
I'm not saying this as if the penalty does not match the crimes committed... He rightfully deserves every ounce of this penalty.
What burns - those who are guilty of the same that plead not guilty, have the $$$ to fight it in court, get half (if that) in a penalty once found guilty / plea bargained down to reduce court /prosecutor workload, etc...

Good to see justice served.
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He cannot emigrate to Canada either, as they don't accept felons. I agree, the punishment does seem harsh. I think my collective anger on the dozens of other egregious poaching incidents I've seen where no one is caught makes me feel like he deserves it, but after that sentiment passes, I almost always hold out hope that someone can reform themselves, and have at least some kind of opportunity to do so.
I don’t think banning someone who was poaching from legally hunting will make any difference. If he wasn’t hunting legally what good is banning him from legally hunting going to do?
Relegated to poaching for eternity. Makes sense.
"Lifetime suspension of his hunting rights"? He is a poacher, not a hunter. He didn't follow the rules before, why sould he follow them now?
I don’t think banning someone who was poaching from legally hunting will make any difference. If he wasn’t hunting legally what good is banning him from legally hunting going to do?

What do you think should be the proper punishment then?
Doesn't the felony charge mean he can't own a firearm? Seems like some of these were taken with a bow... but still.
I don’t think banning someone who was poaching from legally hunting will make any difference. If he wasn’t hunting legally what good is banning him from legally hunting going to do?
The life time ban will make it easier to catch him in the future and take a lot of the fun out of the poaching. For example. With out the ban the poacher could go out the week before season and take a big bull with is bow and then as soon as the season opens put up hero shots on Instagram with several lame hash tags. That is not happening with the life time ban. Most of these poachers will want to brag some and with the ban they will need to keep their lips zipped shut or someone will turn them in.
I’m not saying it’s not a proper punishment, I’d say it fits the crime. What I was getting at is banning someone from doing something legally that they already did illegally will likely not deter them from poaching later on.
If he wants too hunt again, make him volunteer. Make him give back for what he stole. I like the idea of him being punished, but no there is nothing left to loose anymore. Give him an incentive to correct his actions.
You assume this is the worst punishment he could the future they won't take away hunting rights he doesn't have, I agree. However, due to that not being an option, there are much worse punishments available including but not limited to jail time. The harsh penalty sets a precedent for any future punishment he may receive.
He cannot emigrate to Canada either, as they don't accept felons. I agree, the punishment does seem harsh. I think my collective anger on the dozens of other egregious poaching incidents I've seen where no one is caught makes me feel like he deserves it, but after that sentiment passes, I almost always hold out hope that someone can reform themselves, and have at least some kind of opportunity to do so.

I'll bet you, that with this type of activity and this criminals attitude, this is not the only crimes he has committed. Just the one he got caught and convicted for. This type of person does not respect the boundaries our society has established, and it's not just confined to hunting activity.

I personally think there should be more punishment with this type of blatant disregard for the law and other peoples right to have legally harvested those animals. He stole from everyone...