Finally have date to hit Idaho Unit 1 to scout


Jan 13, 2023
I had a TKR in Nov, and the other in March and have been going google-eyed e-scouting lol. After 2 moths post-op on the latest TKR I was cleared to do most normal activities within reason. At the 86 day mark I biked and hiked 17.8 miles here on the coastal logging roads so, I think I'm ready to head over. It's been 13 years of no whitetail hunting so, I'm excited to say the least. Have a few areas picked to scout. Headed over after JUL 4th to poke around and hang some cams. If you're considering a TKR, get'r done and concentrate on therapy, it's a game changer so far.
Have fun ! I'm new here just reading some posts. I drew 67 late buck hunt 13 years after first time. I hope to get another nice one. It is 30" 4x4. I know the numbers are horrid there now though.
Good time over there. After all of my escouting, I ended up with a few places not even marked in my top 3 spots. Saw deer, elk, moose, and turkeys. JUst hoping a few nice ones walk in front of my cams