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Fin, you are welcome to ban me


New member
Nov 4, 2015
As you discussed in this now closed thread.

Quote Originally Posted by BrokenWing View Post
In fairness, cops like to beat up and shoot anyone.......purple, green, yellow, black, blue, white. That's what they do.

Big Fin:
Not sure what the hell to say about that stupid effiing comment. Some day you might need one of those folks to come to your aid and when you do, why don't you tell them what you just wrote here.

A few years back, I banned someone for making ignorant comments to one of the wounded veterans who is a regular on this site. Something as ignorant and stupid as the comment above reflects the perspective that causes me to question of the person making such will add much value to this forum. To make that kind of asinine comment about people who die in defense of the citizens, even if they are like the rest of society where a large enough group will have some outliers from the norm, pisses me off.

I've got too many friends, great people, who are police, FBI, game wardens, and other law enforcement, to let that one stand unanswered. One more dipshit comment like that and you will be packing your keyboard elsewhere.

Before you do that, come spend an evening with me in the trauma bay talking to and seeing trauma victims. Frequently brought in by the cops who have just beat them up or shot them. They'll tell you that every time I tell them they should be bringing these people to lockup rather than to me for a multi-hundred thousand dollar medical visit. They laugh about it. I've been deposed on dozens of these cases over the years and yes, it's what they do.

I never said their actions weren't justified. In many cases it probably is and regardless, that's not for me to say.

My exception was with Jose's comment that it was only directed to African Americans, something I can tell you is absolutely not true and needed to be addressed.
You are trying to close a very large gap with two dots; those dots being 1) all police and 2) what you see in your trauma bay.

You continue to think what you want about about those who risk their lives protecting people; law enforcement. That is your right.

I will stand by my comment that this quote; "In fairness, cops like to beat up and shoot anyone." is one of the most asinine comments to be posted on this forum in a while.

Last I checked those in the medical profession, such as you seem to be, were not faced with armed people shooting at you for what are often unprovoked reasons, drunks and methheads with other weapons were not confronting you in the wee hours of morning, and most in your profession probably are not on a first name basis with someone who gave their life while responding to one of these similar incidents. If that was your daily life, knowing the risks involved and having witnessed someone pay the ultimate price, I suspect that sooner or later your risk assessment of dangerous people/scenarios would change.

If you are pissed off at law enforcement, take it somewhere else. I suspect if ever you need one of them to risk their life and save your ass, odds are you are not going to lump all of them into the same pot as your have with your comments here. If you are a medical provider, I would think you had a bigger view of the world than what is reflected in that dumb ass comment you made and that you want to make a bigger point of by posting again here.

No change in my opinion. If anything, further confirmation that your original post was not an anomaly, rather a strongly held opinion about law enforcement people. And thankfully, your opinion puts you in the minority of people I know.
I'm renting to a new police officer here in Bozeman. He says the late night shift folks can get expect to get physically attacked once or twice a week. That's a pretty tough job.
I stand with our police and first responders not with criminals. Very rarely does someone who is not breaking the law get roughed up by the police. To all members here who are in law enforcement, know that this guy is in the minority. Keep up the good work and watch your six.
I stand with ALL US armed forces, first responders, Police & Fire. These folks asked to defend our very way of life, protect us on the home front and run into a burning building! They tend to us when we're injured!

Thank you.
It's your comment that "they like to" that makes you incredibly ignorant and stupid.
You said..."Frequently brought in by the cops who have just beat them up or shot them."
Where do you work that you see regular police shooting victims?
BrokenWing's skewed perspective is likely formed by an emotional experience or perhaps more than one, which launched an unusually moving experience and errant conclusion into a glittering generality falsely characterizing law enforcement professionals as brutes and trigger-happy shooters during encounters with criminals. The willingness to draw false conclusions and generalities based on skewed personal perspectives likely is inherent in his personality will be manifested in the future by equally wrong and inappropriate comments about hunting and other similar topics on this forum. The easy prediction is that BrokenWing will quickly wear out his welcome on this site.
. "Generalization is a natural human mental process, and many generalizations are true—in average. What often does promote evil behavior is the lazy, nasty habit of believing that generalizations have anything at all to do with individuals."
Author: David Brin
. "Generalization is a natural human mental process, and many generalizations are true—in average. What often does promote evil behavior is the lazy, nasty habit of believing that generalizations have anything at all to do with individuals."
Author: David Brin

Excellent quote. Can cut both ways. I don't run this show but if'n I did, I'd find your post to be an excellent finale.
wow just wow.... i wish there was a real life purge, anyone who supports our LEO, troops, etc... you're exempt and held safe, the others... well, good luck.
Perspective is everything. I grew up in small town WI where police were great, of course we didn't have any actual big city crime. When I was in college my sister got married, her husband was a DC cop, and his whole family and extended family were DC police, Baltimore police, state patrol and FBI. After being around those guys for a less than a week, I changed my major to engineering from criminal justice. I have never been around a group of guys who I had less respect for. They completely skewed my thinking of what police are (for the complete worse) for years, and I do mean for years. I have no doubt what so ever if I lived around those guys I would tell BrokenWing he was being too easy on the cops.
Perspective might be everything, but it doesn't excuse making a blanket generalization.

The original statement made was about as intelligent as saying all hunters like to slap their wives around. How would you feel about that remark?