field point penetration test


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2019
Ok so some of you young guys wont get this be the guys with lots of experience will
So switched to new single piin bow site and I guess I really needed to know how much energy this new bow has so I bolted on the site not quite realizing all the adjustments and took my first shot 15 yrds and boy it was spot on right through the 1/2 inch plywood behind the target passed through aluminum siding insulation drywall AND the side of a kitchen cabinet well I dont want to pat myself on the back too much but you have to be real good to do that
my only saving grace was its a drawer base so you have to take the drawers out to see the hole im so proud at this moment in my life now please dont message me for lesions Im kinda busy with work family and now home repairs
Ok so some of you young guys wont get this be the guys with lots of experience will
So switched to new single piin bow site and I guess I really needed to know how much energy this new bow has so I bolted on the site not quite realizing all the adjustments and took my first shot 15 yrds and boy it was spot on right through the 1/2 inch plywood behind the target passed through aluminum siding insulation drywall AND the side of a kitchen cabinet well I dont want to pat myself on the back too much but you have to be real good to do that
my only saving grace was its a drawer base so you have to take the drawers out to see the hole im so proud at this moment in my life now please dont message me for lesions Im kinda busy with work family and now home repairs
Impressive, what brand of field points are they? May need to get myself some!! Glad no one got hurt in seriously.
Sounds like you got some penetrating oil on your field tip. Wipe it off with some soapy water and retest.

Take a foam earplug and put it in the hole. Color it house color with paint or a marker and deny that you know anything about it.

deny, deny, deny.... and take the wise words of collin raye

Circa 1999, I'm living in Ford Factory Lofts in Atlanta (where they built Model A's and T's). I shoot one through my target, through my wall and into the neighbors living room. :oops:

My neighbor ends up returning the arrow the next times she sees me in the hall. She wasn't even pissed which was very surprising considering how artsy fartsy the place was at the time.

Ok so some of you young guys wont get this be the guys with lots of experience will
So switched to new single piin bow site and I guess I really needed to know how much energy this new bow has so I bolted on the site not quite realizing all the adjustments and took my first shot 15 yrds and boy it was spot on right through the 1/2 inch plywood behind the target passed through aluminum siding insulation drywall AND the side of a kitchen cabinet well I dont want to pat myself on the back too much but you have to be real good to do that
my only saving grace was its a drawer base so you have to take the drawers out to see the hole im so proud at this moment in my life now please dont message me for lesions Im kinda busy with work family and now home repairs
Ok so some of you young guys wont get this be the guys with lots of experience will
So switched to new single piin bow site and I guess I really needed to know how much energy this new bow has so I bolted on the site not quite realizing all the adjustments and took my first shot 15 yrds and boy it was spot on right through the 1/2 inch plywood behind the target passed through aluminum siding insulation drywall AND the side of a kitchen cabinet well I dont want to pat myself on the back too much but you have to be real good to do that
my only saving grace was its a drawer base so you have to take the drawers out to see the hole im so proud at this moment in my life now please dont message me for lesions Im kinda busy with work family and now home repairs
I've had things like that happen a time or two. Can't give details because I dont want no record of the incident. Sure glad no one got injured. Good to laugh about after the shock wears off.
I agree, deny all knowledge of the event. 😏
Ok I can add to this ..couple years ago i upgraded my 10 year old beginners bow and got a new “latest and greatest” set up . Got it home started shooting my bag that sits up against the front of my house . Shot 6 arrows and was really excited. I could tell by the sound the arrows were making hitting the bag that they were hitting way harder then my last bow ! . Walked up to retreive my arrows and found I had 6 arrows through the bag, and the extra sound I was hearing was the sound a arrow makes when it sticks into your house . .....( my wife was really impressed )
Haven't shot too many structures...however one year I made a bad shot on a whitetail doe and she spent some time walking around the outskirts of the small town near where I was hunting...with the arrow sticking out. Got some texts from numbers I didn't recognize and wasn't long before my poor shot was made pretty public. Did try to find the deer again over the next 2 days, but no luck until the following spring when it was just a skeleton picked clean by coyotes.
My buddy and I shoot in front of his shed. There are more than a few holes that I'm embarrassed about ... or I should say, we used to shoot in front of it. His wife just made him get a new shed this year and she said we're not allowed to set the targets in front of it anymore. I'm not sure why ... lol
I put a hole in a conex (shipping container) from about 50yds once. Surprised the hell out of me and my buddy. I was amazed it didn't break the arrow. I think my draw weight was only about 50lbs.

I also put a few holes in my privacy fence.
I told my fiance and you cant see the hole with out removing the drawer she just laughed man I love that woman
it probably helped since shes a new archer and hit the house once on her very first time too, before I built a large plywood box to go around target
being a general contractor it took all of 10 min to repair the damage so things like this dont even get me worked up
Cool story. A friends son was practicing in their back yard and missed the back stop, skipped the arrow under the back fence and the arrow went through the moms front tire on the car as she was coming home from work. Not a happy mom or wife.
Neighbor one time missed target and blew thru backstop and a fence and bam right thru the other neighbors
That was the year I got my first bow as a kid...just in time for the new ordinance of no shooting bow in the borough.
Have had a few holes in the house over the years but the one that stands out was when an errant arrow, went through a tiny crack in the swing open garage door and embedded itself in the pull start mechanism for my lawnmower!
Ive put a hole or two in a privacy fence; thankfully, I shoot from the upstairs window so it stuck in the ground and not the neighbors house.
Ive had the double eddie set up and sighted in for a while now shooting nice groups out to 70 yrds
SO maybe its time for a broad head penetration test
or maybe I should rethink this Idea ??
My wife went bowling one night. I set up my target in the hallway of our duplex, right in front of the front door that the landlady specifically told us not to penetrate with anything (screws, nails, etc...for hanging wreaths and stuff).

I managed to shoot between the replaceable center and the outside portion of the target and stick one in the door. I quickly put everything away and when the wife got home I was Mr. Cool, sitting there watching TV, knowing she'll never see that hole in that door.

She spotted it within 3 seconds of walking through the door. My hunting buddy told I should have squirted some toothpaste into the hole and smoothed it over (it was a white door). Oh well.
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