Feeling like Big Sky


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2014
Timberville, VA
Well after drooling over pictures of the fish that Big Sky catches I finally have one of my own. This was a brook that I figure was a breeder put into the stocked section of the famed Smith River of Va. Its a tailwater stream famous for its wild brown that regularly go 20" plus. This one was 21.5" and the largest trout I've ever caught by over 3 inches. Sorry its got leaves on it, I couldn't hold him still. The kids all caught some rainbows for the frying pan and even caught a few browns. The browns were all released because there's a 24" minimum.

I haven't gotten my jigs yet but I did take Big Sky's advise and cast to the fish that surfaced. I doubt seriously.it was this fish but either way it worked. I did notice a pair of guys using jigs and doing well. I just need to call Kits and get some picked out.
I fished the Smith once years ago. I remember it was July and that water was still ice cold. I wish it wasn't such a long dive to get there
Great looking trout & hat! I'm sure not all breeders get messed up fins from the raceways at the hatchery, but I've caught some that did, makes me wonder if that fish might be a native to the river, either way congrats on a great fish. Shouldn't you be out farming instead of fishing?;)
Great looking trout & hat! I'm sure not all breeders get messed up fins from the raceways at the hatchery, but I've caught some that did, makes me wonder if that fish might be a native to the river, either way congrats on a great fish. Shouldn't you be out farming instead of fishing?;)

Good point!

I was able to block out the world for the weekend. Kissed the kids goodnight last night and told them that this was probably it for a few months. They understand but that is the only part of my life I don't like. So, I try to always go pre planting and post harvest and spend some just family time. Stayed in a park that has terrible phone service so the world just has to do without me for a few days.
That is a total stud brook trout and actually worthy of the wall. If that's a brooder its fins are in awfully good shape for brood stock. Man, that's a nice fish!
Nicely done! I haven't fished the Smith in a while, but the state has recently changed how they've been managing it and I've heard good things.
What kind of jigs do you use for trout? I've caught a few on jigs but nothing consistent.

Big Sky is the forum expert. He rescently posted a you tube clip that is extremely helpful. Can't remember the name and am not savy enough to post the link if I could find it. Just do a quick search of the fishing hole forum.
The Smith used to be one of the best streams for big trout in the East. Unfortunately fish don't grow that big on their own anymore. Still a fun place to fish.
50bowhunter here is the video VAspeedgoat mentioned. Hope you find some useful information in it.

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