PEAX Equipment


I too had a well traveled Nalgene that was used as a urinal. Once day after snowboarding I was at the back of my car getting changed and he saw my Nalgene and asked if he could have a sip....I said sure not remembering that I had pissed in it a couple days prior and forgot about it.

His reaction was not pleasant but he figured it was just some funky growth in it. Thank God, because I didn't have the heart to tell him it was a couple days old piss.
I too had a well traveled Nalgene that was used as a urinal. Once day after snowboarding I was at the back of my car getting changed and he saw my Nalgene and asked if he could have a sip....I said sure not remembering that I had pissed in it a couple days prior and forgot about it.

His reaction was not pleasant but he figured it was just some funky growth in it. Thank God, because I didn't have the heart to tell him it was a couple days old piss.

Rule #1, never drink from another mans Nalgene. Make sure you have an awesome sticker on your own to identify it.
Liberals taking my hard earned income to give to those who dont want to work...:p
And AZ402's mumbling when he sleeps
I was alone for 3 days once and I started talking funny. I suppose if you are alone for 14 days you should expect to talk funny and not be all there for a few days after you return to other people.

As for bottles that get pissed in then drunk out of any time after....No, that is just not right. I mean it is just not good. These bottles should be quickly disposed of.

I'd be afeared of being afeared.
I've spent a lot of nights alone packed into the wilderness and have never feared anything with fur. But my biggest fear is lightning. Not just a little fear but full blown dry mouth, sweats run for your life boys, it's every man for himself panic. It seem to get worse every time I'm caught out in a storm. Kinda feel like a mouse at a cat show, no where to hide. Damn I hate lightning!
Grizzlies are to be respected for sure. Luckily they have only shown up where I hunt a couple times. I hate snakes. But, I tend to give cow moose a wide berth, especially when I can't locate the calf. mtmuley
A few years back a buddy and I had found ourselves about 35 paces for a pretty upset lion...Needless to say neither one of us was glad to see each other. Thankfully he went his way and we went ours. If your going it alone , Id invest in a PLB at the very least and maybe rent a sat phone. Grizz and lion for me.....snakes are just a belt lookin for a pair of pants......good luck.....:cool:
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, Id invest in a PLB at the very least and maybe rent a sat phone. :

I bought a PLB after coming close to hypothermia in NZ. ....we had PLB's, mountain radio and sat phone. All were rented. When I got home I bought a PLB and it goes with me on all my biggame hunts. Thought I was going to have to use it in Hawaii but fortunately we made it to shore. If I didn't have the PLB ...I would have been extremely worried that we'd end up drifting on the open ocean and never found. But with the PLB ..I was more worried about how embarrassing it would be to have to use it.
Only thing I fear is getting that phone call from an x gf letting me know she
has some news to tell far so good..

As for critters in the bush, odds are greater of having a car crash on the way up
the mountains then getting bit, eaten or attacked by claws, fangs or tusks.

Take precautions and go hard on the hill without fear, just use common sense with
decision making.
Monkeys, spiders, ticks, grizzlies, sasquatch, chafing, gay hillbilly rapists, running out of gas, flat tires, losing my keys, forgetting my tag, losing my tag, getting lost, lightning strikes, oversleeping . . . .

I really don't know how I even function in day to day life.
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