Caribou Gear

Fawn in moms backyard


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2018
Eastern NM
My moms been texting me pictures of a fawn that's taken up shelter in her backyard for the last week. The Doe feeds all day returning in the evening and the fawn does it's best to hide. The last one is actually pretty good.
Very suburban NJ. This place is packed with deer though, have to seriously be careful driving around there at night. It's like deer zombies just start walking out from behind everyones house when the sun goes down.
Cool! I guess your mom doesn’t have any dogs.
Actually my sister has a little dachshund mutt that shes been taking in the front and on walks. My sister took the dog for a walk around the block and said the doe flowed them the whole time about 20 yards back like it was checking out her daycare workers.
Looks Great
Actually my sister has a little dachshund mutt that shes been taking in the front and on walks. My sister took the dog for a walk around the block and said the doe flowed them the whole time about 20 yards back like it was checking out her daycare workers.
Well they have a couple new pets now!