Caribou Gear

Family Antelope Trip


Feb 3, 2018
I am planning on taking my son and father to WY for an antelope hunt in 2020, they will be 13 and 70 respectively. I have done a little research so far, but nothing ground breaking. I was thinking we would truck camp and avoid opening week to limit the crowds. I would like to get some doe tags as well to have a better chance at success and bring home some meat. First glance I came up with Units 18, 44, 45 and 46 (Type 2 License). My father and I will each have 2 points and my son 1 for next season's draw. Hoping to repeat this trip with my other 2 children when they get a little older as well. Thoughts? Am I on the right track with units and the truck camping idea? Thanks in advance.
Was thinking regular, but if the special is worth it then we would gladly spend the money. I would pay for a little more space and more animals, trophy quality wouldn't get me to spend more though. Thanks.
If you were truck camping in Wyoming around the 8th to the 15th or so of October last year you would have been one miserable Hose', rain, snow, cold and temps into the teens at night. Just sayin, your dream trip can turn kinda nightmarish if the weather doesn't cooperate. The wife and I were in a nice place in Kaycee and our heated trailer froze for 3 days. We were carrying pans of water to flush the toilet and do dishes. Not bad duty while the furnace is running but, the boys across the way in a wall tent surrounded by mud and covered with snow probably weren't quite as comfortable. I know what it would have been like trying to live out of the back of a pickup. The moral of the story is "be prepared".
You may want to get there early anyways. My recommendation is spend a day scouting even if you are just after the meat. You'll expend a lot less gas and effort if you look around for feed and water and look for a herd to bed the night before. If you find a herd bedded for the night, the odds are they will be there the next morning within 100-200 yards unless they are spooked by hunting pressure or predators. I like to scout prior to season to get an idea where I want to at least start my hunt.
I applied for the special last year but with less points. I was glad I paid up. Based on my research, I felt it bought me more opportunity. I think in general, especially on the lower end, paying up for the special will give you more room to roam. Good luck with your decision. It will be a fun hunt and a great time.
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