NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Fair pay to play

If this is the end of college sports as we know it, then bring it on, because I'm sick of 'em. These sports are out of control and now they are the dog that wags the academic portions of their universities. I can't tell you how much I would like to see college football and basketball disappear.
Jeez Brent, lighten up. Plus, the schools can't survive without the money. mtmuley
No, I won't lighten up. The schools will survive much better without "the money". That is a sucker sale every time. And that's not the end of it either.
People still watch sports? Let them get paid, let them do performance enhancing drugs, whatever. As long as I don't pay for I couldn't care less.
Again, why do some of you guys even bother to respond on the sports forum? Maybe Randy ought to shitcan the option. Drags up a bunch of stupid responses usually anyway. mtmuley
Again, why do some of you guys even bother to respond on the sports forum? Maybe Randy ought to shitcan the option. Drags up a bunch of stupid responses usually anyway. mtmuley
just saw the topic in "New Posts". It's a pet peeve of mine and has been for nearly an entire lifetime. You may think that is stupid, but that's just your opinion. Having spent a lifetime in academia, I have my own opinion and it wasn't concocted on some internet forum.
Yeah - geez Brent, lighten up.
Football and basketball are cool. Athletes, cheerleaders, TV contracts, athletic swag in the bookstore.
The lesser product(s) of university systems, science for instance being one, only cause a lotta problems for a bunch of folks. Scientists, data, research, bias, grant hoarding.........:ROFLMAO:
just saw the topic in "New Posts". It's a pet peeve of mine and has been for nearly an entire lifetime. You may think that is stupid, but that's just your opinion. Having spent a lifetime in academia, I have my own opinion and it wasn't concocted on some internet forum.
Better yet, get Randy to open a forum for archaic hunting weapons. Then you would not have to interject in any of the modern discussions. A pet peeve I suppose. DON'T OPEN SPORTS DISCUSSIONS. Have a nice evening. mtmuley
Better yet, get Randy to open a forum for archaic hunting weapons. Then you would not have to interject in any of the modern discussions. A pet peeve I suppose. DON'T OPEN SPORTS DISCUSSIONS. Have a nice evening. mtmuley
Sorry, but I'll do it again if I feel the need. Maybe YOU shouldn't read the sports discussions.
Yeah - geez Brent, lighten up.
Football and basketball are cool. Athletes, cheerleaders, TV contracts, athletic swag in the bookstore.
The lesser product(s) of university systems, science for instance being one, only cause a lotta problems for a bunch of folks. Scientists, data, research, bias, grant hoarding.........:ROFLMAO:
And we established the reason for your responses... mtmuley
Sorry, but I'll do it again if I feel the need. Maybe YOU shouldn't read the sports discussions.
Why? I'm interested. You on the otherhand just start shit. I'm out before I get in trouble. mtmuley
Why? I'm interested. You on the otherhand just start shit. I'm out before I get in trouble. mtmuley

Come on muley.
You're an intelligent, self confident, adult Montana male hunter, blessed with millions of acres of public land and it's bounty, a rifle and tire enthusiast.
And you're concerned you may lose internet entertainment privileges?
Not being a dick, am genuinely concerned.:)
The volume is malfunctioning on the baseball game, so..................
Come on muley.
You're an intelligent, self confident, adult Montana male hunter, blessed with millions of acres of public land and it's bounty, a rifle and tire enthusiast.
And you're concerned you may lose internet entertainment privileges?
Not being a dick, am genuinely concerned.:)
The volume is malfunctioning on the baseball game, so..................
I'm not falling for your pitiful attempt to bait me. Fix the volume and watch the sports you dislike. Not interested in your bullshit either. mtmuley
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