Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

exotics escape


Active member
Feb 27, 2002
the other day i was coming home through western florida.i saw a chain gang working on the side of the road and noticed a aoudad standing there watching them.i am sure it escaped from a game farm in the area but i was wondering what would happen if several of these escaped and began breeding in the likely is it that they could start a herd in the area.if someone kills the animal that i saw would it be a legal kill or would it still belong to the landowner where it escaped from and could he charge someone that killed it.or would it simply be illegal to kill that animal
A good question for the Floriday F&G peoples.

I saw part of a TV program where Florida is getting infested with non-native snakes that were released pets. They're taking over, even topping the gators as the top predator.

They have trained a little beagle hound to sniff out these huge snakes and guys go in and kill them.
Aoudad are something else. I think they are pretty good survivors, and could breed, but I don't have anything but annecdotal data for that.

In Texas, that aoudad could be killed by anybody at anytime who had a hunting liscense and who had permission to hunt it on the land that it was on, unless it was branded or had a tag in its ear or something like that to identify it as belonging to someone. It would be shot by someone, if they could get a shot.

They are too wild, when they live in wild conditions, to be managed, like they are owned. They are the green beret of rams, some say, here, they go where they want. Because of that, they are hard to manage. Here people hunt them very aggressively to try and manage them as best they can, from what I've read/heard and seen.
I was on the way to a buddies place to hunt Whitetails.

Somewhere along HWY 40, I saw a full grown EMU (honest to God) just strolling it's big a$$ self along the highway!

Stopped at the next exit and called the HP.

"You saw a WHAT, sir" ?

"Emu, on Hwy 40 Just before exit 110" .

" And "exactly" where are you right now, sir"????????

Hung up and beat feet!!
I don't know how they would breed in Florida. I don't think they would do as well as they do here in the hill country parts of Texas. They really need to be on a rocky terrain to do best. They can certainly handle the heat but the tropical climate mix lack of hard terrain may cause them to have hoof problems.

As far as what they could do to the native habitat, the aoudad will eat just about anything and can be very desctructive. The herds I have seen are all very wild and have very sharp eyesight. I'm curious as to why this thing was standing so close to the group of workers.

They are not the best tasting animal at all but if it had good chaps with its beard, and 36"+ beams, I'd take a shot at it for sure if I could get land owner permission.