EP063: mapping Technology - Questions?


Active member
Feb 3, 2017
North Central Montana
After listening to the latest podcast I have some questions.

I am an ONX maps user and I have found it to be useful for hunting the boundaries of public/ private like many other listeners. I am trying to wrap my head around the ethics, laws, opportunity, or plain ol' respect of fence lines or perceived property lines.

I can't quite formulate the words so I have attached a screen shot that hopefully will get my question across. In the picture below the red line drawn north to south is about 400'. Lets say that the trail that runs east to west in the middle of the photo is a fence line. Notice that there is state land north of the fence line. You do not have permission from the private land owner. SO...Would you shoot an animal there?

Fence lines can wander so onxmaps could be correct, but then again the owners deed might follow metes and bounds and onxmaps might be wrong. Each person has to decide for themselves if they want to take the risk. I work for an Oil and Gas operator and if I were drilling a well I would definitely be double checking the title.
In fact I recently called the BLM and OnXmaps because they were incorrectly showing part of our families property as public incorrectly on maps. Bottom line onxmaps is a great tool but it's not infallible and you are still responsible for knowing where you are even if the tools at your disposal give you poor information.
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Trust,but verify.
Even tho fencelines are often on section lines & such in NM many are way off.Throw in property lines,lines on natural features,& cattle drift fences,and it can be confusing. I keep my BLM & FS maps,topos handy along with my onXmaps&GPS handy.
If I really want to know I go to county clerk & look at the plot map. This is only for specific properties & lines,but helps in the big picture when your hunting small tracts of public lands surrounded by private & or a small private holding that is surrounded with public.
This is common in NM.

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