PEAX Equipment


Hunterman's Mountain Meal

1 1/2 lbs. of game meat, cut in 1 inch cubes
1 large onion
2 stalks celery, diced
3 tabsp. vegetable oil
1/2 cup raw rice
10 3/4 oz. crean chicken soup
10 3/4 oz. cream mushroom soup
4 oz. canned mushrooms
4 teas. soy sauce
dash salt
1 cup peas
1 cup water
1/4 cup dry red wine

Brown meat, celery and onion in oil,
In slow cooker add soups, mushrooms, soy sauce, salt and pepper, then add meat, onions and celery, mix well
Then add the wine and peas.
Simmer on low in for 1 1/2 hours till done
Elk Meatballs

1 1/2- 2 lbs, elk burger
2 Tbsp. parsley
1 clove garlic crushed or 1 1/2 teasp. garlic powder
2 eggs
1/4 Parm. cheese
Mix all ingredients together, make meatballs, add to your sauce raw and cook through....
I usually put mine in a slow cooker and cook for a few hours..
Very tasty....
This will be the absolute best Italian sausage you will find west of the Atlantic.

Italian Sausage
5 pound batch

5 pounds venison or elk burger
25% suet
3teaspoon Fennel Seeds
4 teaspoon Crushed Red Pepper
5 teaspoon Dried Oregano
2 ½ teaspoon Salt
3 cloves fresh Garlic
1 ½ teaspoon Ground Pepper (black pepper)
4 oz. Parmesan Cheese
1 chopped Bell Pepper
1 teaspoon Basil
½ Onion
2 tablespoon Sugar
1 ½ teaspoon Ground Red Pepper

Mix with burger - add water to help moisten and help marinade - add to a mushy consistency
Cover and let sit in fridge for 24 hours

Stuff into skins or use loose like burger

Note:This was originally made with 15%suet and felt it was too dry so I increased it to 25%. When we make it we do it in 50 lb. batches. I also cut back on the hot peppers as others said it was a little too hot. This is my own recipe made up from a combination of 4 different recipes. Hope you enjoy it.
Couldn't resist this one Del... I know how much you like this along with Elkhunter :D :D :D

Cheese wiz and Jelly

I get razzed about this, but if you have never tried this combo in a sandwhich, you don't know what you are missing.
1. Take two slices of your favorite sandwhich bread and lay on paper towel or plate.
2. Open jar of CheezeWiz and spread liberaly onto one slice of bread.
3. Open jar of your favorite jelly, or what ever jelly you have at hand and spread onto other slice of bread.
4. Place two slices of pre spread CheezeWhiz & Jelly together with the spread on the inside and bread on the outside for easy holding.
5. Commence to eat sandwhich and savor the flavor.
LMAO thats a good one LB.. I didnt relize it was so hard and complicated to make a cheese wiz and jelly sandwhich... Bet you perfected that on those cold snowy days huh? LOL

Hey thanks alot for the recipes..
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