Elk up high

Those who know where elk aren't are glad to share intel.
In the big horns "up high" is often wilderness so no nonresident, less pressure and more sneaker miles required
We stopped walking once the snow was over our gaiters but in a moment of hunger-induced gullibility I assumed that they had some sort of local knowledge that the elk lived up where only @wllm1313 goes. Thankfully we didn't base our hunting decisions on these conversations.
The answer is always “it depends”. My scouting/observations in MT in August was everything I saw was lower. Once I got above 6000ft all but the major creeks were dry, but I saw elk along river bottoms. Why? Food and or water probably. I don’t know and don’t care. That is just where I saw them. It is a small sample and I’m sure there were still elk up high. I heard in Randy’s mid season podcast that they noticed them lower too. Observations can vary. Don’t get stuck trying to make a plan work if the elk don’t fit the plan.
A friend of mine who used to track radio collared elk, said that one day they would be at a 3,500 ft elevation lake, next day they would be the other side of a 7,000 ft ridge. He felt that scouting for elk before season was a waste of time. I don't agree with him, but elk can move a lot, and that's before they get shot at. My point is that whether people tell you the truth, or lie, it may be equally worthless information.
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