Caribou Gear Tarp

ELK TALK Podcast with Corey Jacobsen and Randy Newberg

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Some of you may have heard the rumblings of this new platform I am doing with Corey Jacobsen; ELK TALK Podcast. Today is the premiere of the first episode.

ELK TALK Podcast is all elk, only elk, and elk all the time. Presented by the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and sponsored by, onX, Geber, Rocky Mountain Hunting Calls, and Sitka Gear.

This is only elk. No deer (sorry), no antelope (sorrier), no politics (yeah), just elk.

ELK TALK Podcast came about over the last few years as Corey and I tried to figure out a way to collaborate on some elk content ideas, beyond just having him be on some episodes with us. We decided that since nobody else is doing a podcast that is purely elk hunting and we get to mess up many elk encounters each year, maybe we should start a podcast that explains the huge amount of mistakes we make that eventually result in an elk getting tagged. Some call it advice, though to me it is just telling stories of how I screwed something up bad enough that it worked out.

You can download at the links below or through your favorite podcast app. Hope you will subscribe and follow us with each episode release.

You can listen here without downloading.

Episodes will be launched very other Friday. Hope you enjoy them. Hope you will share them with elk hunting friends.

Elk Talk Podcast_FB_Email (1).jpg
This sounds awesome! I'm planning my first elk hunt to Colorado next year and I have a feeling this will help me out immensely. I'm looking forward to the future episodes
Listening now, glad to hear that your doing it in person. I always favor the podcast quality when done together in the same room. The ones done over Al Gore’s Internet are hard to listen to. As always Big Fin thanks for bringing top quality!
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Great news! I've been replaying older Hunttalk and Meateater podcasts. Always glad for new info and entertainment.
Subscribed. Looking forward to learning more from the two of you!
Watched it yesterday. Should be interesting....
I have witnessed the banter,funny stuff...even after a hunt & all were beat. I think everyone of the bunch was worn. Still joking tho.
Just listened to the first episode and am excited to hear the content of all future episodes. Would LOVE to hear info on hunting strategies (what has or has not worked), e-scouting, elk behavior, etc...
Episode #2 of Elk Talk Podcast is now live. With the formalities out of the way, we get into the Top 5 mistakes each of us made/make on a regular basis. It takes so long for us to discuss them that we run out of time and have to continue with that topic in Episode #3.

Thanks for listening. You can find it at the links below. Hope you will subscribe.

You can listen here without downloading.
Between this new format, the Hunt Talk Podcast, and the YouTube channel I feel 100% more ready to chase elk this year. Thanks for the great content and as always, the advocacy!
My strategy has now changed because if this podcast. First time western elk hunt and we were planning the whole backpack hunt idea, but based on your input we will be doing a base camp hunt. Hopefully this will allow us that mobility to find some elk in Montana! SKOL
New to this forum and elk knowledge. When where and how do I watch or listen to the next live podcast or Q&A with Randy Newberg. Thanks ����

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