Yeti GOBOX Collection

Elk Poachers Busted


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
Glasgow, Montana
Here are some real idiots. WTF they fired 58!!!! shots into a herd of elk. Instead of $23,000 it should be $123,000.

4 men - 2 sets of brothers - fined for slaughter of elk
By The Associated Press

SHERIDAN - Four Sheridan men _ two sets of brothers _ have been fined more than $23,000 and lost their hunting privileges for at least 10 years for slaughtering 10 elk and leaving most of the meat to rot.

Ivan Pierce, 37, and brothers Aaron May, 24, and Michael May, 21, pleaded guilty on Thursday to one count each of wanton destruction of elk, waste of game meat and taking an overlimit of elk. Each was assessed $5,200 in fines and restitution, placed on one year of unsupervised probation and stripped of hunting privileges for 10 years.

Pierce's older brother, 48-year-old Albert Pierce, pleaded no contest to the same charges, plus a charge of failing to tag a game animal. He, too, was placed on one year unsupervised probation, plus a 90-day suspended jail sentence; he also was assessed $7,600 in fines and restitution and stripped of hunting privileges for 12 years.

According to the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, the men acknowledged that on Nov. 10, 2006, they fired a combined 58 shots into a herd of elk. Wildlife agents found nine dead cow elk at the scene and one, with a shattered rear femur, that had to be euthanized. Only about 100 pounds of meat had been recovered from the carcasses. "In my 18 years of wildlife law enforcement, this was far and away the most sickening crime scene I've had to investigate," said game warden Alan Osterland.
This is the kind of garbage behavior that ends up on the news, painting all hunters like reckless pricks...
I think that the Wyoming hunters should get to shoot 58 rounds into these assholes and leave one with a broken femur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:
This is the type of stuff that should make a minimum of life’s hunting privileges be revoked

This is an instance where their fate should be judged by their peers and that would be a group of hunters who hold high moral standards

I would assume each case like this would be treated as an example case by said peers
They should ALL get jail time and then Bubba and the other jailhouse boyz could take 58 shots in their asses!! hump hump hump :BLEEP: :BLEEP: :BLEEP: |oo
I'm hopping over the fence on thios one and not bashing the poachers.

Why revoke the licence ? Why do that ? I don't understand. If someone is Poaching anyways, it's like taking away something they were paying for and now loosing it. Why ?

I mean really. If a Robber bought an Illegal gun and killed someone, would you bann all guns ? No, thats dumb. They are doing something illegal. If a Poacher shoots a bear out of season, do you close the Bear season down ?!?!? NO.

Anyway, my thinking is if someone is poaching, what stops them from poaching again ? Don't get it.

The whole "FINE" thing is a joke too. $5,200 ? Hell a Guide for Elk could be 7k-8k At that point, Whats $5.2k ? Thats nothing. you can Poach an elk and if you get caught YAddy friggin deal. Pay some fines and move on. Loose a tag that you would have had to pay for that didn't mean anything to you anyways.

Now, I'm not saying what they did was right, But the fines and the way they get charged is a Stinking joke. $5,200 ? That's not doing crap to stop people. Move that comma over and make that chizz $52,000. Now we're getting peoples attention !!! You put in the Paper that you jsut fined Some A hole $52,000 and now people are like .. WOW !! ADD a $20,000 reward for turning someone in.. Now family members are at risk. That would do something.

He, too, was placed on one year unsupervised probation, plus a 90-day suspended jail sentence;

Unsupervised probation for 1 year.. WTF does that mean ? Anyone ? MAybe I don't understand what that means so it bothers me. Hell, Give him a life sentence unsupervised... so what ?!?! Hell give him 7 life sentences in jail and Suspend it. No jail time is no Jail time. Might as well gave him no jail time and don't suspend it. Still a Friggin Joke. What the hell is good going to court, giving somone a Sentence and Suspending it ? NONE ? It's the system, not the poachers. What stops someone from doing it if they pay no penalties if they get caught ? Well, besides jsut knowing it's wrong.

It's like Fireworks..... $100 fine ? HEll To do it legally it's $5,000 bond out of my pocket to fund an Event. What the hell is $100 at that point ? I keep that in my shoe for burgers.

Anyway, The 12 years would hit home to me personally but to people that don't care... ? What was accomplished besides some Officer Stocking his Rod for busting these guys to make some newspaper story and blackening the eyes of real hunters ?

It's like busting the Drug dealer. Sure it's Good, but what have you accomplished by taking out a "seller" ? You'll never take them out, they don't loose as much as the gain. Hit the Suppliers and Cartell, not the guy on the street selling a few bags.

OK, I'm going to get Crucified by those comments as it is So I'll jsut back away from the keyboard for a few........ :D :D
OK, I'm going to get Crucified by those comments as it is So I'll jsut back away from the keyboard for a few........

Aren't your comments a long thought evoking version of....'too light'? Am I confused...should I be?
cow elk

if these had horns the punishment would have been alot greater. thats what sucks about wyoming, if it is not on thier "trophy status list" the punishment is not high enough!|oo |oo |oo |oo
Moosie the only thing you're pondering that doesn't make sense is why you would think we'd pop you for it....have said all along that unless you make the punishment actually deter the crime nadas gonna stop. People play worse odds than those fuggers all the time :cool:

I also agree with almost everything you said. These sentences where waaaaay too light. They all should have a got a year in jail each for every animal that died. A monetary fine, even $52,000, might not mean chit to a guy if he has the funds.
I do, howevery, think they should have their licenses' suspended (permanently). I understand your argument that we are taking away money from something they were paying for and not really using, but if their licenses' are suspended then law enforcement knows, without a doubt, that these guys can't hunt. Anything and everything they shoot is illegal. If you let them keep their license then they always have the argument that they shot something legally during a hunting season.

FYI, unsupervised probation is a set amount of time (in this case a year) where you have stipulations to follow i,e. no simialar offenses for a year. No one will be checking on you unless you are charged with another crime. Supervised probation, on the other hand, is where you actually have to check in with a probation officer weekly or monthly, and they keep tabs on where your live, where you work, etc. Unsupervised usually costs nothing, at least that's how it is in Washington....not that I would know from experience.
Moosie the only thing you're pondering that doesn't make sense is why you would think we'd pop you for it....have said all along that unless you make the punishment actually deter the crime nadas gonna stop. People play worse odds than those fuggers all the time :cool:

Gotta agree with that. Taking a persons license to hunt away that is hunting illegally anyways, isn't going to stop him if he still has the balls to hunt or kill. Jail time and considerably higher fines are what was needed.

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