Elk Near Cheyenne

Yep that herd loves to hang on Terry Ranch. Makes me get the itch to hunt elk every time I see them

Going to be hunting Area 6 to try to fill a leftover cow-tag I broke down and bought. Got a few areas to look at on top of a general deer for same area. Never hunted so close to town before but after putting feelers out on HT and FB, apparently there are areas for at least cows and deer.
Good luck on the cow, 6 is a tricky area to fill that tag.
It will be tough but not impossible. There is way more private than public and the elk obviously know that so I have to figure a plan around that. I have seen elk while I was fishing so I know they are in the area.
I would start looking earlier than later. Season is open but way too hot. You might have good luck in Sept, most folks don't start chasing those cows til later into Sept and Oct.
By Oct they will be in huge herds headed to Dilts or Garson's .
We couldn't locate a cow after Oct 15 last fall and we have 8,500 acres to hunt them on.
However down closer to Cheyenne your pressure may move them around a little differently.
Lorenz has some on his land I know, later in season.
Phillip Lorenz' land is part of North Crow HMA. He's pretty cool. Got a chance to talk to him. I put in for that one because I saw deer and elk there a few years back before they created the HMA and you had to have permission coupons filled out instead. Later in the season is when I have the time to hunt that leftover tag. My focus in regular season is my general and a 102 type 6 cow tag plus a bear general and possibly a lion if I happen to see one. From my scouting and talking to people that live in 102 and 104, I got a plan that hopefully will lead to meat in the freezer with a good chance at the bear tag too. I know bears have been hitting the camp areas and I saw black bear bear tracks along Hams Fork River.
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This extra leftover cow tag I drew is going to be one hell of a challenge but going to give it all I got just to prove to myself I can do it regardless. I drive to Laramie on a regular basis and see elk regular taking Happy Jack. Out of 6 or so people I talk to, half claim they never saw elk in that area. I know they are in that FS land and on private surrounding North Crow Creek Reservoir and move on and off the public. This will be one I will definitely take and post pictures because to me the cow I will shoot will be one hell of a trophy.
Just make sure they are off the NF.
Yup. That is what makes it a challenge. But I got 4 square miles of land I can hunt so far and trying to determine if other BLM and state land areas have roads I can get into. Going to stop by Philip Lorenz business office today and see if I can get permission to trespass without paying a huge fee.
Had a FS guy send me all his way points he hunted last year off the FS area. He tagged out. Very rare people give up their "honey pots" but I am hoping they are good ones.
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