Elk in West Texas


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2001
New Mexico
A friend and coworker went to a motorcycle rally in Brownfield, Texas a few weeks back, Basically it was food and booze, Camped out on an old golf course. He rides a Harley and is an experienced bow hunter.

Water source in the area was a pond used by local wildlife, On the 2nd day of the rally a 6 x 6 elk tried to reach the pond, too many campers in between the elk and water, The elk would not leave and the guys and started throwing apples which the elk feasted on,

My question is if elk are not indigenous to Texas, can you legally shoot elk? I can see elk crossing the borders into Texas from Raton or the SE corner of Colorado. I would think they would be shot immediately.

That this particular elk was not afraid and actually looked for company, I would think the community may have adopted him.

there are high fence elk in texas, could be it escaped. if I remember correctly, if there is no season on a species in Tx, it can be hunted year-round without a license. but a check of the regs online didn't verify it, so don't quote me on it.
Elk were native to Texas at one time. Yes they have been introduced back into Texas behind high fences, however there are free ranging elk in Texas (Alpine, Fort Stockton, Sanderson). Some folks believe they are naturally returning to the far reaches of west Texas and the big bend area just like black bears are/have been.

TPWD doesn't really want them back it seems. I would assume mainly because they would compete with the Bighorns for food and water. They are viewed as an exotic with no season or bag limit.

But to answer your question, yes there are Elk in Texas some (not all) are free ranging. Keep in mind all Aoudads were behind high fences at one time, now the free range all across big bend country and thrive (also to the dismay of TPWD). The same could be said of Axis deer in the hill country.

And its funny you mention NE N.M. and SE CO, as I've heard stories of wintering elk being shot in the panhandle of Texas as well (could be b.s. but its possible).
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I actually was leaning to the escape from a high fence operation. Not for sure, but I think most of those operations are in Central Texas (Mason, Brady, Temple)). My surprise is why he is still walking. Texas hunting license only. Shoot him!

There is so much open space in West Texas, I can see a resurgence of elk in that area. A lot of mesquite jungle and HOT, but elk originally was a plains animal, Would be great if Colorado hunters went to Texas to hunt. What a reversal!
Heard of a guy that went WT hunting on a TX ranch and "Blast Pigs" as he put it and anything else that moved ,I take it....they were going between ranches and he sees an elk....5x5,a Roosvelt. He shot it.
Totally legal . He said.
"Blast Pigs"

Think big smart destructive exponentially prolific prairie dogs...heavy on the smart. A big gnarly boar is like cleaning a septic tank.

One of the unintended consequences of captive game brothels here in Ma Texas is when the owners get tired of losing money and cut maintenance..some, I suspect, turn'm loose. Animals escape or wander & the surrounding lease groups begin sighting and killing exotics. An acquaintance took a stag a couple years ago about 70 miles west of here..
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