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Elk Hunting Book


Jan 5, 2012
North Dakota
I am looking at doing my second hunt this year for elk in MT. My father and I were not very successful last year with the elk around Ennis. We had some very warm weather and no snow, but overall we didn't know what we were doing. We got some good tips on the last day from some of the friendly people on here which led us to some fresh elk sign.

This year we are planning on doing things a little differently and would like to be a little more informed about what we are doing.

Does anybody have any good book/website suggestions about how to hunt elk, where to look for them, topo maps, etc... It turns out they are a bit different in their patterns than deer. haha.
It is hard (at least for me) to find books that help people who have no idea about hunting elk. Most of the books are just stories or about finding 350 plus bulls. I just want to know how to teach myself to get into elk and fill the freezer. Most of the books I have read were geared towards trophy hunters not meat hunters like me. I don't know which category you are in but "Jumpstart Elk Hunting The Everyday Hunter's Guide to Cutting Through the Bull" by Brian E. Baldwin was the most helpful to me but I also have never shot an elk.
Check out elk101.com as well. A lot of good articles and info there. A lot of it is geared towards bowhunting but even if that's not your weapon of choice you can learn a lot about techniques for finding elk, etc. Corey (the owner) also has a great DVD called the "University of Elk Hunting" which I thought was good, again bowhunting focus but filled with good general elk knowledge stuff. Any Don Laubach book is good too. Good luck.
I have several elk books. If you live in Fargo, I live here also. I have no problem in borrowing them out. I have the Don Laubach book, Mike Lapinski, Mike Eastman and a few others I can't remember. I also have Elknuts Playbook. I would suggest you buy that one. The book does a great job in not only telling you what to do/not do, he explains why.

I also have several of his DVD's. I might have to have ask for your first born as collateral, they are that informative. (Keep in mind I am an archery guy so much of the calling stuff is more up my alley vs if you are a rifle hunter) But still good.

I also have a ton of Bugle magazines for you to read. (Become a member of RMEF and you can get the magazine also). They have good stories which help fuel the fire. Not as good in the instruction category, but still a good cause.

PM me and I can give you a list and any further instructions if you like.
I was going to mention what jerm did above - you gotta go do elk hunting. Reading' Elk Books' quenches the palate, and it is enjoyable to relive elk country moments through the eyes of good story tellers.imo

Harvesting an elk will come - through your reads, I am sure you will find successful guys(and gals) are patient, persistent, well-planned and tough (mental - go when it hurts or dont want to, AND physical - go when it hurts, farther, easier). Note: some do not measure success with a full meat pole, but it sure is nice!

Get a book on Calling elk, or Elk speak, or How to survive a night? Practice shooting. Practice stalking.
Elk hunting montana by Jack Ballard is a handy to book to have around to get general info about the different units in MT.

I am in the Fargo area as well and hunted the Ennis area for two years. Well I am not an expert like some of the people on here I would be more than happy to help you with what I can. Send me a PM and we can connect.
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