Yeti GOBOX Collection

Elk estrus

ask the Oregon guys. They had to stop using it this year.

Stunk up our boots and caps with it. Did absolutely no good whatsoever - we had the breeze in our faces going up the draw and when we topped it to see the herd. Not a one of them smelled it unless it can drift upwind...
Ok heres my opinion on all the deer /elk scents I used to use deer scents here in Pa from a deer farm I never believed those bottles sold in stores were worth anything due to time on shelf and an observation most are dark brown and if I start peeing dark brown im calling 911 quick
read lots of stuff on deer pee and found any urine turns to amonia pretty fast in the air so I started peeing myself in scrapes and set cams over them almost all the time deer show up same day to check it out
even did the 1 gallon of water 1 cup of amonia and 1 cup fiber cost a few pennies for a gallon and deer show up same day too,so IMO save your money on all that stuff