Yeti GOBOX Collection

Elk calf numbers in herd near Cody at historic lows

I'm concerned that no matter what any report says everyone still thinks it's wolves, wolves and only wolves.

As per the report, good forage is the essential cornerstone to species survival. Take away that cornerstone and add in additional predator threats and you have a far more complex problem. Additionally, it has been spelled out in previous studies and further highlighted by the current Bitterroot study that calf survival/predation is far more at risk from bears and cats which the article linked explains again.

Maybe they should just test and slaughter and still blame it on the wolves.
I'm concerned that no matter what any report says everyone still thinks it's wolves, wolves and only wolves.

As per the report, good forage is the essential cornerstone to species survival. Take away that cornerstone and add in additional predator threats and you have a far more complex problem. Additionally, it has been spelled out in previous studies and further highlighted by the current Bitterroot study that calf survival/predation is far more at risk from bears and cats which the article linked explains again.

Maybe they should just test and slaughter and still blame it on the wolves.

Amen. It's also interesting that folks have a tendency to forget the massive slaughter caused by the late hunt. Thousands of elk were taken out of the herd by hunters shooting well into winter. In fact, the original FEIS for reintroduction details how this hunt needed to be curtailed in order to avoid the crash that folks saw coming if things were left as is. The data that folks are getting from the Absaroka Elk Ecology project is counter-intuitive to a lot of folks because it points to something other than wolves. However, as Sherlock Holmes said, "when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth... "

Is it impossible that wolves caused the crash? No, but the science tells us it is improbable. There are simply too many other factors that caused this herd, which was wildly over objective, to hit the bottom that it has now.

Life is complex. Easy answers never work out.
Really!! My Son got his first Elk at 12 years old.. on..Rented Montana when thousands of Elk Migrated out of Yellowstone Park during a normal winter migration. Now after the Wolf introduction there are few permits and the calf recruitment is nil. This is every where the..Greenies and usfw have prevailed. The honest use of a resource is lost, Outfitters out of business...Opportunity lost!! And people want to blame it on Climate change?? What world are you living in?? Same way here in Alaska!!
Get your facts together!

Massive Slaughter on the late hunt in Montana. I beg your pardon!! The harvest of Natural Elk meat was a Blessing for hardworking people in Montana for Decades! It was sustainable and was a honest way to harvest good meat. The hunt was an opportunity for those that cherish the Western way of life!! You want facts!! Lets debate!! Massive slaughter for any decline..BS!!
AK Iceman, I think the point trying to be made is that it has been a combination of factors that led to the herd decline. Wolves alone are not to blame. In my area there are 13 or 14 confirmed wolf packs. Our herd numbers roughly 7000 animals. This year numbers increased according to counts. I am in NO WAY a wolf lover. Putting all the blame solely on them easy for people. mtmuley
Sounds like we have a couple of SFW participants.

Wolves eat meat, we know that. Why things are out of whack in some areas can be debated intelligently.

The NYNP elk herd population was headed in the same direction as the Lolo/Clearwater elk herd in Idaho before wolf intro. There's more than meets the eye in these areas. The West Fork, of the Bitterroot fits in there too. Study's have taken place, or in the process thereof in all those areas. Looking at the data with an open mind in important. That study you condemned by Cody was paid for all by sportsman's orgs.

Most of this has been hashed, and rehashed.
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