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Elementary Shooting

THere is a lot that can be said, but, unfortunately many would prefer not to have the conversation and instead would prefer to discuss a "Mercedes" culture and silence the discussion the country needs to have.

Open the box, please I can't wait to hear your explanation.
My heart and mind is aching right now! If some coward wants to commit suicide, be brave and go off to the woods and deal with it....just leave innocent people alone.

My prayers go out to the survivors and parents of the babies murdered by this piece of crap!
Scary stuff. I just don't get it. Sicko's everywhere.
(I hope the cops emptied every clip on him). Thoughts are with the families of the victims.
This kind of crap makes me wish the world was going to end in a week! Parts of society has gone off the deep-end! The sad part is that this won't be the last shooting to ever occur. Damn crazy people!
The way to stop this madness is ....STOP talking about the gunman. Make him annonymous, media blackout on his ID. But of course the media won't go for that. All the media talking about the killer only inspires other sickos to copycat so they can be famous.
A sad, sad day. Could not imagine the grief the parents are feeling right now. My thoughts and prayers go out to all affected by this animal.
I'll echo others in saying, I cannot imagine what those parents are going through. Not too mention the survivors who had to witness such an atrocity at that age.
Made the news in the UK a few hours ago.
Such a tragedy, especially at this time of the year.
God knows what goes on in these lunatics heads.
Thoughts with the families.

The way to stop this madness is ....STOP talking about the gunman. Make him annonymous, media blackout on his ID. But of course the media won't go for that. All the media talking about the killer only inspires other sickos to copycat so they can be famous.

That would be a start.
All I can do is shake my head. Prayers go out to the familes of the victims So very sad to hear about.
Do not want to even imagine being in their parents shoes.
I'm definitely going home and hugging my kids tonight. No TV, no internet, no noise. Gonna shut everything off and find a way to spend time as a family.

Thoughts and prayers are with all involved.

A sad day; sad for the children who will never realize the joys of growing up, marrying and having children of their own, sad for the adults killed, their families and the families of the children. A sad indictment of the state of our society and some of the looney tunes we have out there breathing air and walking among decent people. This coward couldn't just take his own life, he had to go on a rampage and commit acts so abhorrent that he could no longer live with himself before checking out.
Why can't these people be detected sooner, why couldn't his parents sense that something was wrong; was it too embarrassing to confront reality and admit that their spawn had a couple of screws loose?
This is just mind boggling and our thoughts and prayers will be with all affected.
Brutal. First the shooting at Clackamas Town Center mall and now this. The mall shooting was 2 miles from my house and hit really close to home since my wife is a store manager and in the retail world.

They just reopened it today and only a few short hours later a new tragedy is in the news.

I am at a loss for words. My one and only child starts school next year and I feel sorry for him. It seems as if more and more there are simply EVIL people. That is the only word that I can even think of. I can't fathom any reason to hurt children. I have worked in law enforcement for almost 16 years and have seen way too many jacked up things but this one really hurts. My heart and prayers go out to the victims, survivors and community.
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