Elderly Man Sprouts Horn On Head

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
Think he'll make it into the B&C Record book?

As a younger man, Saleh Talib Saleh used to have dreams of growing horns on his head. Never did he imagine his dreams were a premonition of a future reality.
He dismissed the dreams as fantasy but when he kept having the same dream continuously, he began to believe it would someday happen. It was only a question of when.

Now aged 102, the Shabwa, Yemen, resident, recounts how a horn did indeed begin to sprout on the left side of his head 25 years ago. He was 77 at the time and felt a thick, hard layer of substance on his head. Since it did not bother him and there were no medical facilities where he lived back then, he just ignored the growth. But the growth just kept getting bigger and harder and then after a year, it clearly assumed the form of a horn that ultimately reached a half meter (1.6 feet) in length.

The growth astouned his fellow villagers who were worried it was causing him pain. But Saleh says that with time, they realized the horn was simply "something Allah wanted to happen to show the people that he can do as he desires."

The horn eventually broke off, however. As it grew longer, it also grew weaker and more difficult for Saleh to manage as he moved around, especially during sleep. Miraculously, just days after he lost the first horn, a second one started growing in its place.

Hundreds of people from around the country have come to see Saleh and his miraculous horn. Saleh says they are awestruck by the "greatness of God and his creation." He has even had many visitors from Saudi Arabia and other gulf countries who come to touch the horn.

Saleh has diligently scoured and researched the medical records of the world's different health organizations in search of cases such as his. According to his research, such a case has never been known to mankind.

So why did it happen to him?

"I have no idea why Allah chose me, but I thank God for his mercy and show of greatness. I only say al-hamdu lillah."
Let's see if this works....


I wonder if there are a few here that have grown horns, maybe one who really dislikes his pics on this board... :eek: :D
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